Chapter 18 - Inssurance

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Thomas was still very on edge about following this Gally guy around, but, considering both Newt and Frypan seemed willing to give him a chance, Selena supposed Thomas wasn't about to complain much. Instead, his protectiveness over the whole group took over and, as soon as Gally started to explain how he had gotten there in the first place, prompted by a question from Newt, Thomas left Selena's side at the very end of their group to walk all the way to the front, where Gally was, leading the kids through the corridor toward whatever place he was about to take them to.

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city." Gally explained. "They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here to Lawrence."

Now, obviously, none of them actually knew who Lawrence was, but by the way Gally talked about him, they could all gather enough context to guess that Lawrence was some kind of leader around. And, judging by the way things were going, Selena was pretty sure Gally was taking them all straight to him.

"This group's been at war with WCKD ever since they took control of the city." Gally continued with the explanation. "But WCKD can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done."

No one really argued with him. Not that they wanted to either. It wasn't as if any of them was rooting for WCKD anyway. Still, no one really knew what to say in response, but, thankfully, as it seemed, they wouldn't have to be saying anything because, as soon as Gally was done talking, he stopped walking as well, turning around to look at the rest of the kids and sighing quietly.

"Listen, hum, he doesn't get a lot of visitors." Gally said and he didn't have to say much else for the kids to know who he was talking about - Lawrence. "So, let me do the talking. All right? And try not to stare."

At those words, Selena frowned. Not stare? Not stare at what? From beside her, she could see Brenda seemed as confused as she was and the two girls exchanged a quiet glance. Before they could even say anything else, however, Gally was already walking again, their group moving and passing through a door nearby, leading to a new set of corridors for them to walk through.

Selena finally took a second to look around herself, a shiver running down her spine when she noticed whatever hallway they were about to head into, didn't have any windows or doors, really and, the more they continued on, the darker it got. Selena bit her lip. She had never been the biggest fan of the dark, but, at the moment, she didn't really have the luxury of complaining. Either she stayed behind with a bunch of people she didn't know and - consequently - didn't trust, or she faced her fears to, at least, continue on with her friends. And, lucky for her, she decided to be brave this time because, once they were at the end of the hallway, a wide space opened in front of them and a little sun-light from outside could be finally seen. Selena let out a breath of relief and, even though it wasn't as clear as the outside, some sunlight could come in through the many plants resting by some big glass windows at the very end of the room, creating weird shapes on the opposite wall when they hit a big leaf or, maybe, the pacing man taking care of them.

"Rose took my nose, I suppose..." The man was mumbling like a mantra as he moved, almost too slowly. "Rose took my nose, I suppose. Suppose, suppose, took my nose... I suppose..."

It was as if the man didn't even notice their presence there. And, for a moment, Selena actually thought he didn't. But then, when Gally cleared his throat quietly, the man turned around to face him and, as soon as Selena's eyes fell on the man's face, she understood why Gally had warned them about the staring.

It was hard not to, too. With the way all of his veins were darkened and practically bursting out of his body, or the way he had blisters all over his skin or, mostly, the way he had, somehow lost his nose and now only had two holes in the middle of his face to breath and smell his flowers, he looked almost as bad as the cranks they had met at the tunnel before getting to the city. But, as he took a second to look over the kids in front of him, Selena realized he was, still, very much lucid.

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