Oscar Delancey

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The newsies laughed and joked with each other as they stood at the gates of the distribution centre like they did every morning.

"Hey,look it's the Delancey brothers"Kid blink waved mockingly to the pair.

Y/n smirked and stood closer to the front of the group she stood with.Jack,who was beside her,wrapped an arm round her shoulder lazily.

"Hey boys!"She smiled brightly.

The brothers both grinned slightly,while still keeping their tough guard up.

Oscar took notice of the arm around Y/n's shoulder and his face hardened.Jack watched the boy and smirked,leaning into Y/n.

Obviously,Y/n didn't take notice as it wasn't unusual for the newsies to be physical with each other wether it was hugging,resting arms on each other or play fighting.

"You ok there Oscar?"Jack wondered with a sly grin on his face.Y/n looked up at Jack then to Oscar who stared at her.

"What's up with the long face Delancey?"She chuckled.The boys laughed and Oscar rolled his eyes.

"Cat got your tongue?"Jack asked,leaning slightly closer to Oscar.Y/n slipped from his touch,sensing a fight coming.

And she was right,as Oscar pushed Jack back hard.Jack stumbled but quickly bounced back,pushing the Delancey boy.

Oscar fell back into his brother,who kept him stable.Morris whispered somehting to Oscar,which made fear flicker on his face.

Y/n stood silently and watched the interaction,tilting her head and wondering what he said.

Before anything else could happen,the bell rang loudly,bringing all the newsies through the now open gates.

As the girl walked,she felt Oscar unintentionally walk beside her.The two looked at each other and she gave him a small grin,before catching up with Crutchie and Kid Blink.

Y/n got her papes like she usually did and took off to her selling spot,central park.The morning quickly turned into mid-day and Y/n had nearly sold most her papes.

She decided to sit on one of the park benches for a moment,getting tired from standing all day."Y/n/n"A boys voice called.

She turned to see Oscar Delancey walking towards her with his hands in his pockets.Quickly,she stood up,ready to defend herself incase he decided to try anything.

"Woah"He held his hands in surrender,"I ain't here to fight ya!"

"Yeah,then why youse here?"

"It's a public park"Oscar shrugged.Y/n rolled her eyes and picked up her last few papes,beginning to walk away.

Not letting her get away that easy,Oscar walked with Y/n,causing her to get frustrated."Leave me alone man,what do you get from annoying me?!"She yelled,turning to him.

Oscar smirked and tilted his head,"That was harsh.."He raised an eyebrow,"Are you and Kelly dating?"

"Me and Jack?Ha—No way.Why do you ask?"Y/n chuckled as they continued to walk.He shrugged and took the few papes she had,carrying them for her.

"Thanks"She muttered."Why didn't you push Jack back this morning?You usually never turn down a fight with him."

Oscar paused and cleared his troath."Wasn't in the mood to fight"He told her.

"Fat chance of that"She scoffed,slightly nudging the boys side,"What did Morris say to you to make you stop?"Y/n pushed,looking at him.

"Why do you wanna know?"He rolled his eyes.Y/n shrugged as the two left the park,walking on the road now.

"We ain't ever talked before and now your carrying papes and walking me home..why?"

"Jeez,cant I do anything nice?"He started to get irritated.


Before Oscar got the chance to answer,a loud sound of screams echoed down the street,"Get out of the way!"A man yelled,from a carriage behind the two.

Y/n gasped as Oscar pulled her quickly into an alley.The carriage bolted down the street,people complaining about its speed.

"Are you alright?"Oscar asked,his arms still around the girl.She swallowed and nodded,looking up at him.

"Are you?"

"Never better"He grinned,holding her tighter.

"Shut up"Y/n chuckled,pushing him away slightly yet still letting him hold her."Guess you can do something nice after all."

The boy hummed and stared into Y/n's bright eyes,"Are you sure you and Kelly ain't dating?"Oscar asked.

"Yeah,ise pretty sure"Y/n nodded,looking at him again."Good.."He whispered.

"Why's that?"Y/n muttered.

"Cause now he cant kill me for doing this.."

Oscar pulled Y/n closer to him and leaned in to kiss her.The newsie kissed back,a blush covering her face.He was the first to pull away and his face held his own blush.

"He may still kill you"Y/n chuckled,looking down.Oscar lifted her face with a finger and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"It'd be worth it."

𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄, 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝟗𝟐' 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat