Chapter 16: Farewells... For Now

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'You think this will stop me?' Bivolo screamed. 'I will make you tear each other to pieces! You will all die screaming with rage!' 

'Blah, blah, blah, "no prison can hold me". Heard it all before, pal,' Cisco quipped, the doors shutting behind him and Caitlin as they walked out of the metahuman prison. 'Adios, Prism,' he added.

'I liked "Rainbow Raider",' Caitlin chirped back. 

'Okay, you don't get to pick the names,' he replied back, making her face fall. 

'I have a prison like this,' Oliver said, him and Evelyn walking next to each other. 'Mine's on a nearly inhospitable island in the North China Sea, but this works too.' I elbowed him. 

'Don't brag.' 

'How is your wound holding up?' he asked me.  

'Oh, this ol' wound? Not bad. Healing quite well. It wasn't that deep.' He slung an arm over her and she leaned into his embrace as they walked out after the two young geniuses. 

The two Starling City vigilantes stood on the floor of the STAR Labs main room, speaking to Joe, Dr. Wells, Cisco and Caitlin, with Felicity standing behind the siblings. 

'Our identities are a closely guarded secret known only to a few,' Oliver said, 'and if it were to get out, will endanger our family, our friends, and it would embolden our enemies to retaliate through them.' Felicity stepped up. 

'What Oliver is trying to say,' she said, clearing her throat, 'is that he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon.' Oliver wore a tight-lipped smile. 


'I, for one, personally can't wait to do it again. It was pretty fun,' I quipped. 

'You know, it didn't sound like that's what he was saying,' Cisco said quietly to Caitlin. Joe stepped up to the two of us. 

'I may not agree with your methods, but...' He outstretched his hand to the two of us, and we shook it. 'Thank you.' I smiled. 

'You're welcome,' I replied softly. Felicity stepped up to Caitlin. 

'Hey, if I had a DNA sample I was unable to fully break down,' she asked the fellow genius and tech whiz, 'do you think you could isolate the genetic markers for me?' Caitlin nodded. 

'Sure, what's the sample from?' 

'The Canary's murder.' Oliver overheard the conversation and looked down. Harrison Wells rolled up to us in his wheelchair. 

'Mr. Queen, Miss Queen,' he said to us, 'I met your father once. Charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you two. I think he would be very proud of the man and woman you've become.' Oliver relaxed slightly, and I could tell he was vaguely tense. 

'Thank you,' Oliver said, smiling as warmly as he could. 'And please,' he added, shaking the doctor's hand, 'call me Oliver.' I shook his hand as well. 

'Call me Evelyn. It was a pleasure to meet you.' 

Felicity, Oliver and I walked down the main hall to join Diggle. As we walked, I heard Oliver say something to Felicity. 

'There is something off about that guy.'

At CC Jitters... 

Oliver, Felicity and I walked into the coffee shop, Iris walking up to us after having a conversation with Eddie. Oliver walked over to Barry, who was holding his coffee, staring absentmindedly at the couple having their moment. 

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