Chapter 14: A Lesson to Learn

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The next day... 

The two of us stood outside the abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere, Oliver and I, waiting for Barry. As Oliver was prepping his arrows, a red blur of light came out of nowhere. Barry stopped speeding and walked up the steps to the concrete platform. 

'Hey,' he greeted. I was leaning against the wall, sharpening one of my daggers. 

'You're late,' Oliver remarked. He turned to Barry. 'How can you have super speed and still not be on time?' 

'Sorry,' Barry apologised. 'I guess the super tardiness kinda neutralises it.' He came to stand with Oliver, looking out over the empty grassy area. 'So how do we catch Bivolo here?' 

'We don't here,' I said from behind them, coming to stand on Oliver's other side. 'We're here to train.' Barry gave us a look, one of jest. 

'What? Like Rocky?' Oliver gave him a side-eye. 

'I read your friend Iris' blog post on the Flash, and Evelyn and I visited all the crime scenes you fought at.' 

'Don't you sleep?' Barry asked. Oliver ignored the question. 'Do the both of you sleep?'

'Last month you took on a man named Leonard Snart.' 

'We call him Captain Cold,' Barry said with a smile. I groaned. 

'That's the dumbest name I've ever heard,' I remarked. 'Really? Captain Cold? You couldn't have chosen something more ridiculously obvious.'

'We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later,' Oliver replied sharply. 

'You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and the Huntress?' He turned to him. 

'The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train. Which he derailed.' 

'Okay, there may have been some damage, but I got the job done. I was the hero.' 

'Excuses, excuses. Nothing but bloody excuses,' I remarked, jumping down from the concrete platform. I looked up at the two. 'Will the excuses ever end, Barry? When will you learn what Oliver has to teach you? You forget he's been doing this longer, and so have I.' 

'Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it?' There was silence. 'You could. You have the time. But you don't. You just run in blind.' The two came off the platform with Oliver and I heading to the former's motorcycle. 'There is a difference between having powers and having precision.' 

'When I came to you thinking about going out and helping people,' Barry said, 'you told me I could be an inspiration.' Oliver pulled off his bow and arrow and came to stand near the bike, facing Barry. 

'Living this life... well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am -' He nocked an arrow in the string. 

'What is that for?' Barry asked worriedly. 

'It certainly doesn't look like he's going to tickle you with it, is he?' I remarked, earning a laugh from Barry and a chuckle from Oliver. 'I highly suggest you listen.' I pulled out a knife from my boot, spinning it effortlessly in my hands. 

'You're going to run over there,' Oliver replied to Barry, 'you're going to come back at me, and you're going to get hit with an arrow.' 

'No, I'm not,' Barry said, laughing. Oliver gave a short laugh in return. 

'Yes, you are.' 

'Okay, fine, I will humour you two.' He sped off a distance away and Oliver readied his bow and arrow and I readied my dagger, ready to throw/shoot at Barry. 'Ready?' Barry called out. 

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