New Morning

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Do listen to this song

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”
              - Unknown

~~~Time skip~~~
        3years later

New morning and new beginning of a new phrase in my life.
I'm excited and bit nervous that where this path will be taking me.
Starting this new journey will sure give me some more good lessons to love myself more.
Psychology say's loving yourself is the first step towards your success.
And loving yourself means self confidence and self believe that you are capable of achieving your aim or dreams.
But it's hard to love yourself and to keep yourself first , many times we forget to respect and love our own self to love someone else and in that process we loose ourself.

At some point I did the same mistake, I kept that person first and lost myself.
I kept my self respect at bay to maintain the respect of that person. Through loving him I forget to love myself.
In sorrow of loosing him I completely lost myself.
I forget that I didn't had to change myself for him to love me, I didn't have to act like others which is not me, I didn't have to play that sick truth and dare because everyone think it's cool or if I didn't played I would be a loser.

But now that I have understood that to love someone first I have to love my self, cherish myself , to built a career for myself so that I can pamper myself.

Life habe taught me enough in this 3yrs.
I have moved on
I love myself
And I'm building my career.

My new life is awaiting for me to start from fresh and beginning.
To build my career so I don't have to depend on someone else.

And I know in this process of mine I will find someone who will love me , the person who I'm. I do not have change for him neither he have to, because

Love is never compromising yourself
But to know more about yourself through your partners eyes
Love is about building each other and be the pillar for each other
It's cherishing each other
It's the warmth and the care from each others embrace.

Now that I know what love truly is
I'm very sure I'm going to get my soulmate and have my faith in love

This is it guys😭😭😭
My first ever story is completed
I know it's a very short stry
But those who writes know it hard to write a book and I appreciate each and every writers for giving so much of their efforts for writting a book🤗.

I'm so freaking happy guys😭😍😍
Thank you all for supporting me
And please don't stop loving and supporting.
Also let me know your thought and of i did any mistake do correct me

I love you guys so much

Stay safe, healthy and happy
Lovelies 💝🥺😘

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