Chapter 6-Discussion

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Edwards POV

I smiled at my dear Bella before closing the door and following Tanya out of my room to her own. As I shut Bella out, I saw a flicker of fear and envy cross her pale, beautiful features. Tanya wanted to talk, but I could read her thoughts anyway. 'Twinkle twinkle little star' seemed to be her favourite. I smirked at these thoughts, and excepted her wave into her flamboyantly decorated room.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste at her additions to Esme's carefully neutral decorating. Tanya had added lamps and shawls, frills and fancies, and jewellery and expenses around the room. She had wrapped dangling shawls around her fake glow lamps and her jewels lined the walls and bedpost.

She plonked her ungrateful self on the bed and motioned for me to follow suit. What the hell? No. I thought. I remained standing and looked to her, requiring explanations as to why she was taking me away from my love so soon after our reunion.

But apparently she was having none of it, playing dumb to my irritation.

"Edward," she purred, "We need a talk. Please sit."

I rolled my eyes at her heavily but sat down on the bed, folding my arms and waiting silently for an explanation. She was fucking annoying me, I was refraining from slapping her stupid face and stalking back downstairs. But that would be childish.

"Hmm, Edward," she sighed, stroking my arm, "I'm not sure on your choice of girlfriend."

I stiffened at the mention of Bella, what had she got to do with this? I was sick and tired of the trash Tanya was giving me. She'd better get it out before I gave up and demanded her out of the house, whatever Carlisle said.

"Oh come on, haven't you noticed Edward? Look at my shawl, and my bracelet from you has been stolen. Who else can it be?" she asked, huffing.

"What? You think I believe that Bella has been ruining and stealing you stuff? I don't think so," I snorted, "Bella wouldn't do that to the person she hates the most in the world, come off it please Tanya, don't make a fool of yourself," I said, annoyed now.

"Edward, oh Edward. I'm your mate, I love you," she said huskily.

This took me by surprise, I was aware that she was 'attracted' to me, but I had no idea that she believed I was her soulmate. My stomach muscles contracted and Tanya pressed her lips firmly to mine, pulling my hand behind her neck with her hands and holding then there.

I was trapped against the bed, by Tanya. I let out a low growl, Tanya, apparently, thought that this was an indication of enjoyment, as apposed to a growl of frustration and fury.

Every fibre of my being wanted to throw her off, but something was stopping me. Then it hit me as I felt her hands on my face, yet still on my shoulders, pinning me down.

Tanya had a gift. A forceful gift that made her stronger, of that was the strength? I didn't know. Then Tanya showed me images, of us married, with children, and of things I'd rather not see.

I pushed against her chest, but yet again, failed to move her, only to have her devour my lips like she was in a pie eating contest.

Then I heard a growl, and a snarl.

Tanya continue to rip up my lips, but she was caught unawares and I managed to push her off into a sitting position, rubbing my lips in disgust and turning to whoever had rescued me.

I rephrase, the people that had rescued me.

Emmett, Jasper and Bella.

Emmett and Jazz were holding back a furious, snarling and spitting Bella Swan. I stared at her and she growled at me, then snarled at Tanya as she came towards me 'seductively', i.e., swaying her hips and thrusting out her long neck.

I pushed her away roughly and stared at Bella, my Bella. She clearly didn't realised that I didn't want to kiss Tanya, that I loved only her. Apparently her wounds of the past two hundred years were still fresh as she crumpled down to the floor and sobbed into Tanya's carpet.

Esme chose that moment to enter the room, followed by Rosalie and Alice. Alice went into vision mode and Esme and Rose knelt down to comfort Bella. While Esme was rocking the dry sobbing Bella, Rose glared at me.

"I hope you're pleased with this result Edward. You've broken her heart twice," she hissed, eyes blazing for her newly found friend, "Go, go back to snogging Tanya, you've clearly never been true for Bella," she said as I stood up to reassure my love.

But Rose helped Bella up and glared at me, Esme also giving me a disapproving look. They left the room, looking at me with smirks. All except for Jazz, he felt my remorse and gave me a sympathetic look. Esme stayed in the room and shut the door.

"I'd like an explanation, from both of you and no interruptions from either of you. Edward, please explain all of this. Tanya, I'd appreciate no interruptions, this is serious," she said, giving Tanya a decent glare.

Boy, Esme was in full mama-bear mode.

"Well, Tanya asked to speak to me privately. She led me here and told me how Bella had been stealing and breaking her stuff. When I told her I didn't believe her, she decided we were mates and used this gift of hers to stop me throwing her off when she kissed the heck out of me," I said truthfully.

"This gift seems to be physical and mental, showing images of a 'desirable' future and physically using some strength to make ties become reality," I said carefully, piecing together my experiences.

Esme nodded slowly and turned to the fuming Tanya, awaiting her version of the 'truth'. As though Tanya was even capable of telling the truth, the idea was ludicrous really.

"Yes, I'd agree until the kissing bit. I didn't force Edward, in fact, I'm pretty sure he leant in to kiss me. I'd never use my gift on Edward. So we kissed and then were interrupted, Edward threw me off because he was embarressed," Tanya said pathetically, pouting slightly.

Shoot, she was lying through her teeth. I didn't think even Tanya was capable of stooping to that level of lying, it was so nasty. Esme looked sceptical at Tanya's story and looked to me, giving me a silent apology.

'I'm sorry Edward, I want to kick her out but I can't,' she said through her thoughts, though I could have guessed it from her face anyway.

With that, I was whisked away by the little pixie, a very angry little pixie at that.

"I heard that, I'm ripping the head off that bitch," she hissed, "Bella's gone Edward. Don't go all soppy, Emmett's taken her to wrestle grizzly bears, get rid of her anger. But she only just left, she heard everything," Alice said folding her arms, her face daring me to say something stupid.

So I did.

"Does she hate me?" I asked in a whisper.

Alice surprised me, I'd expected a snort and a snappy, sarcastic remark, but I got a loving, gentle hug.

"No Edward, she hates what you did. And Tanya. She understands, but she'll need her time to cool off, but in time, she'll forgive you, I can promise that," she said soothingly.

What else could I ask for?

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