Chapter 5

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It's morning. It's not normal today.
"WHERE IS SHE?!??" Itachi shouted when he woke up, causing everyone to wake up and ask him "What's wrong, Itachi?"

Itachi was breathing heavily, sweating and crying. He said to everyone "Sakura slept beside me, now she's gone! I don't know where she went!"

Mikoto was shocked, Sasuke cried, Fugaku was.. WORRIED?! Okay Anyway..

Itachi went to Tsunade to report about Sakura being missing.
Tsunade sent ANBU and 2 Jounins, Kakashi and Gai, to search for her.

Where could she be? Could she just run away? I Have To Find Her!

I thought to myself, mentally panicking.
Nothing like this has ever happened. Maybe because she spoke! This us bad. She could be kidnapped! I'm going out of the village.

"Hello?" "Where am I?"
I'm constantly asking myself in the darkness.

I think we're in a room! A suprise party!!

Really Inner? I'm tied up and THIS is a party to you?

Let's leave inner.

"Hello Sakura." a voice echoed through the place. I knew that vioice anywhere! But I couldn't really confirm that yet.

"You ignored my warning from last year. Do you want this to happen?"
The voice said.

I knew it! It's him.... I need to get out of here! Konoha will be in danger!

I struggle trying to get the rope off my hands.

Why did this happen?
I don't want her to be gone!
I want her to be my girlfriend!

Sorry this is all i can write!
I'm low battery!
I'll try to update today again!


-2017 future author is back to say, pls kill me and why does this get votes-

SasuSaku: The Girl 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now