trash man appears

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You felt dizzy. Your head felt like it was submerged underwater, tons of pressure all around. Your body ached painfully as your eyes fluttered open. The room you were in was dimly lit, and you seemed to be laying on a bed, a hospital bed more precisely. As you scanned the around the room, you realized you were still in the same place, the abandoned hospital. It took you about a hour to fully regain consciousness, your headache getting worse by the minute. You were about to lift your head up when you noticed you couldn't move your limbs. You realized that you were harshly tied down to the bed railing. Your arms and legs all tied down with rough, thick, rope. You didn't panic immediately since you were still woozy, but after a few minutes you found yourself desperately trying to get out of the ropes, no matter how bad the burning pain in your muscles felt, you kept attempting to get yourself free, but found it impossible. You threw your head back into the pillow in exhaustion, you weren't sure if screaming was a good option. You realized something, you obviously didn't tie yourself down to the bed, so who did? Who would tie a injured person down to a bed? You felt fear kick in, you tried to take in deep breaths to calm yourself down. You didn't care, you wanted to leave, now. You violently shook your body to the right, in a attempt to shift the bed around, you shook your arms and legs, twisting them against the tough rope, surely leaving harsh marks against your skin.

"Fucking hell". You growled underneath your breath, anger now starting to settle in.

Suddenly the door to your room flung open, hitting the wall creating a loud bang that echoed throughout the hospital. You flinched violently and shut your eyes tightly, your anger quickly disappearing and immediately being replaced by fear again.

"HEY HEY HEY! WHO'S MAKING ALL THIS RUCKUS?" you heard a voice shout.
You opened your eyes hesitantly, laying eyes on the source of the noise. A scrawny looking purple cat, whose expression was currently in a frown ( >:( like that ), dressed in a grey crop top, white lab coat, with a red tie. He looked extremely messy, as if he hadn't taken a shower in ages, he was also extremely skinny, almost malnourished looking. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He stepped closer to you, with each step you heard a *clank*, either he was wearing some sexy high heels (which would explain his height) or he has some loud ass shoes on. He was now standing over you, now with a blank expression, you stared back with slightly fearful eyes, he leaned into your face, one inch away from you now, his eyes wondered over your face, scanning your features and expression. Your eyes stayed locked with his, scared to move a inch in fear of what he would do to you. You were so close to his face that you noticed he had different colored eyes, one blue one green. So much was happening, you felt so overwhelmed.

"Uhhh, what are you doing?" you said, in a low tone.
The purple cat continued to look into your eyes with a blank expression but quickly moved away from your face with a smile.

"I'm SOOO happy you're here! A new patient, OH BOY! It's been forever since I had a patient! I cant WAIT to have fun with you." he practically screamed out, his arms wailing around in the air as he excitedly tapped his shoes. You were incredibly confused now, what the hell was up with this guy? He clearly isn't a doctor, and you were obviously not his patient.

"What the fuck dude? I'm so goddamn confused right now. I need to get out." You growled at him. you weren't sure if you were angry, scared, or worried, but you needed to go back home, all of this was WAY too weird for you.

"Also, can you untie me?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"Nope! You are VERY VERY sick right now, and it's my duty to take care of you!" he grinned at you. His teeth looked rotten. You glared at him, you were starting to get angry.

"I want to leave, now. I'm fine now, let me go." Your glare intensified. His expression was still the same, a smile that made you even more angrier.

"And where's my stuff? My phone? My camera?" you said as you realized you could call help, but in your state, you weren't sure if you would ever get out.

"HOO! Dr. Mystery has it!" The cat pointed to himself with a gloved finger. Dr. Mystery? You sighed. You were getting nowhere with this guy. What the hell was his problem? Isn't he committing a crime by keeping you here? Wait, was he just talking in third person? This guy is definitely nuts.

"Dr. Mystery?" You asked.

He nodded aggressively. "YES, THATS ME!".

"Can I get my phone back?" You asked. your tone sounded nearly desperate.

He gasped dramatically. "OH NO NO NO, YOU ARE SICK, NO PHONE FOR YOU, ONLY REST. " he started screaming again, you rolled your eyes. You were starting to get annoyed with his childish behavior.

"Listen, man-" you started.

"OH WAIT! I KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO!" He screamed before he scrambled out of the door, slamming it shut. You were left alone again, slightly aggravated that he cut you off. Soon enough you heard loud footsteps running down the hall, as the door burst open shortly after. The cat appeared again with a wide grin, holding a slightly big plushie in his hands.

"LOOKIE HERE! YOU CAN PLAY WITH MAGO!" He shouted, rushing over to you and dropping the plushie on your chest. He grinned widely, his tail wagging side to side as he watched you excitedly, almost expecting for you to do something. You waited a bit before speaking.

"I'm... tied down. I can't, uh, hold him." You said, almost in a whisper.

"OH. Silly mystery!" Sticking his tongue out, he grabbed a fucking machete out of his long hair and slashed the ropes off of you. You nearly screamed as he did this, but didn't have the time to do so, as he did it so quickly.

"What the hell man?!" You shouted in a whisper (?) as you scrambled to the corner of the bed. Mystery looked at you confused for a bit, until he repositioned the plushie on you.

"Go onnnn~" He said, twirling his hair with his fingers as if nothing had happened. You looked at him with puzzled eyes, then looking down at the plush. Holding it with your hands, you sorta tried to caress it, even though you were slightly shaking after what Mystery had done.

"Uh, he's soft?" You said in a confused tone, you didn't mean for it to come out like that, but you didn't really know what to say

"Glad you like him! Mago really likes you!" Mystery said, finally speaking in a normal tone. He then snatched Mago off of you, throwing him on the floor.

"Can I go now?" You asked, glancing at Mago who was now on the floor. You glanced back up at Mystery, whose expression was now blank. He stood there staring at you, long enough that you got up yourself, and cautiously walking over to the door.

"Uh, hehe, imma just leave.." you chuckled nervously. You didn't realize how tall he really was, you felt oddly unconfident being near him, you weren't standing up fully, but instead slouching down which was something you didn't normally do. You scooted past him and past the door, expecting him to do something, but instead he just stared at you with that blank expression.

"are you... okay?" You said nervously, you didn't like that he wasn't saying or doing anything, you thought he'd try to stop you or something, but apparently not.

"You're not supposed to be standing up. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE STANDING UP, OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE? " you suddenly screamed as he dove his hands in his hair and tugged on it anxiously. You flinched again by his sudden outburst, and took a couple steps back.

"Hey, hey! Calm down! I'm alright, I'm not si-" You said before he cut you off again.

"YOU'RE SICK! SICK! YOU NEED TO GET BACK IN BED RIGHT NOW." he screeched at you as he hurriedly rushed to you, his arms extended out to you. You backed away from him, your hands up in protest.

"Listen dude, you need to get the fuck away from me before I knock you down." You tried to sound assertive, but ended up sounding more anxious than anything. But it seemed to work because he suddenly stopped in his tracks, his hands in a t-rex pose.

"I-I was just trying to help you.." he stuttered out; his face now a saddened expression , his eyes glistened slightly. Shit. You felt bad. He technically hasn't done anything to you, besides tie you down, but he hasn't hurt you... yet.

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