hanging out with homeless dude

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You had been sitting on the floor for a while now. Paper and crayons sprawled everywhere on the floor, with Mystery in front of you. He was showing you his drawings. Messy scribbles and colorful stick figures. He smiled as he got back on the floor to start to draw a new picture on the floor... again. As you sat you on the floor, you kept thinking to yourself, how the hell did you manage to get in this situation? You drove here to check out a cool abandoned hospital, took a couple of selfies, broke a stairwell and fell down three floors, knocked yourself out, and woke up tied down to a bed, THEN you met some crazy feller who thinks he's a doctor and claims your his patient. God. That was a lot to take in. Thankfully, your headache was gone and you were only left with sore limbs and no broken bones (I think).

"Hey, Hey! Lookie here!" Mystery grinned as he held up another drawing. It seemed to be a picture of you, which looked as if it was drawn by a child.

"uh, neat? Looks juuust like me." You were practically dripping with sarcasm saying that last sentence, although Mystery didn't seem to notice.

He grinned at you widely, his two colored eyes beamed with pride. He looked genuinely proud which actually made you feel bad for making that sarcastic remark, so you decided to tell him your name to make it up, even though he wasn't offended by it.

"Hey, uh, Mystery's your name right? " You said.
Mystery's ears perked up as he looked at you. He nodded, waiting for your next response.

"My name is  Y/n, forgot to introduce myself." You said a bit awkwardly, your hand rubbing circles on the back of your head.

"Y/n? Y/n!" he exclaimed wildly as he tossed his arms over you, pulling you into deep hug. Since he was way taller than you his chin rested on your head as you were pushed rather snugly into his chest.
(no your not fucking 3'3 he's just tall and your just regular height, and if you are actually tall then imagine him being 7'2 or a whatever helps you sleep at night.)

Mystery still had his arms wrapped around you, and you were still stuffed in his chest. You were a bit nervous to move so you just sat there. On the floor. With a complete stranger holding you. God, this was awkward.

You decided to pull away, you chuckled to fill the awkward silence in the room. Mystery suddenly got stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you up with him.

"Ouch!" You let out of hiss of pain. The sudden movement of being pulled up caused sharp pains to shoot through your body.

Mystery quickly clasped his hands on his mouth with a worried frown.

"Y/n! Mystery didn't mean to, Mystery's sorry! I just wanted to-to..." Mystery's voice was full of panic. You looked up at him with a slightly weak expression.

"It's... no problem man, I'm still sore after, you know, crashing through a flight of stairs." Your voice sounded strained, but you tried not to show Mystery how hurt you felt. Your muscles felt on fire, you slumped down to the floor, which was immediately a bad idea as the burning pain in your body increased terribly as you sat down. With Mystery still standing over you, his worried expression never ceasing, he crouched down to meet your face. You blinked and next thing you knew, Mystery was frantically running through the hallways with you in his arms. He didn't give you any time to react, and you were mostly shocked at how easy and how fast he was running without breaking a sweat with you in his arms. Especially with his frail looking frame. Mystery kicked open a door with his heels, and rushed into the room and placed you gently on a bed. The room looked like a basic exam room you'd go to a clinic, but run down.

"Mystery, what the hell was that all about?!" You hissed at him. Mystery was too busy rummaging in what looked like a bag full of medical tools. He sat down in a office chair and moved closer to you.

"Shhh, let Dr. Mystery take care of you~" he purred, putting a gloved finger up to your lips. You tried your best not to roll your eyes and roundhouse kick him into the wall.

(hi guys)

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