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Swara Bose
Age - 19
Nature - bubbly
Good in studies
Loves - Lucky Maheswari
Bestie - Shalini Dey also loves her as her own sister

Lucky Maheswari
Age - 19
Nature - Cool dude
Good in studies
And sarcastic too
Loves - No one
But in a relationship with Riya Sen
Best friend - Raghav Singh

Shalini Dey
Age - 19
Nature - Badass
Straight forward
Not so sarcastic
Loves Swara and think her as her sister
Average in studies
Not in any relationship and not so interested of getting one

Raghav Singh
Age - 19
Nature - Cool guy
Secretly loves Shalini
Good in studies
Best friend with lucky
Buy doesn't like his present girlfriend.

There is a little character sketch hope it will help you guys to understand the characters a bit and I didn't gave any pictures because personally I think imagining the Character is better than already give because some tym you may not feel that , that selected person this not fit for the character.

Stay happy , healthy and safe lovelies

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