Rainy Day (Blaza x Reader)

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Y/n's POV:

Ugh. It was raining! I had plans. Of course the weather gods and goddesses had to ruin everything! "Y/n? Come on, move from that position already! You've been staring out the window, watching the rain plop and make puddles for like, 30 minutes, and cursing the weather gods," Blaza told me. "But there's nothing to doooo," I whined. "Y/n, there's surely a way we can be productive and make something out of today," Blaza tried to convince me. "Oh? I'm sure you had plans, too," I scoffed. "Actually, I checked the weather. I knew today was gonna end up with rain, so I didn't bother to get out my planner," Blaza laughed. The way he laughed... It was actually really.. Cute. Agh, what am I even doing? Snap back to reality!

"What can we do, then, Einstein?" I asked jokingly. "As much as I am flattered that you have given me a, uh.. Nickname relating to the most intelligent person that has ever walked the Earth, I am going to ignore that and focus entirely on your sarcastic tone," Blaza joked. I rolled my eyes yet again and ignored him. I kept staring at the window and now the raindrops were making "Plip.. Plop... Plip... Plop..." Noises on the roof of the house. "Seriously, Y/n. Let's do something," Blaza asked. And then, as if on cue, the rain actually stopped! "Oh, good! The rain stopped! Bye, Blaza, I need to go to the supermarket to get some cookies for Meme!" I told him. "AND SOCKS FOR ME!" Socks yelled from his room. "THE SUPERMARKET DOESN'T SELL SOCKS, IDIOT!" Blaza yelled back at him. "Although, if they did I would drop you off there..." He added. I giggled at his joke and grabbed the car keys and opened the door. "Bye, Y/n! Stay safe!" Blaza called from inside. I nodded and started the car. 

I didn't bother to bring a sweater, or anything. It was cloudy, no rain. In about 5 minutes, I pulled up to the supermarket parking lot. "Ugh.. Where are the available parking spaces?" I wondered aloud to myself. Then I finally spotted a car that seemed to be leaving its spot! Perfect. I waited patiently but after a while, the car stopped, the person inside got out, and began to walk to the entrance of the supermarket. I sighed, and accidentally hit my hand on the wheel. The guy in front of me suddenly got very mad. "HEY! I'M TRYING TO FIND A SPOT, IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED," He yelled at me, after opening his window. "I'm sorry, sir! It was an accident!" I yelled back, opening my window as well. "Oh, my voice IS deep? And just because I have a short haircut you're assuming I'm MALE? Off with you, disrespectful young lady!" The lady yelled at me, closing her window. I sighed, wishing this day could be over.

When that LADY finally found a vacant parking space, and that seemed like forever, I found a car leaving, and parked there. "That was a lot of work. Wow, this place is PACKED today!" I thought. I headed over to the "Pastries and Sweet Treats" section of the market, and searched for the cookies. "Ah! There. Meme's favorite brand and flavor," I thought to myself. I headed over, about to grab the box when... Let's just say I encountered that lady again. "Hey, back off, missy! I saw this first, and it's the last of these babies!" She yelled at me. "Look, ma'am, I'm not looking for trouble. I've already caused a few.. Minor mishaps earlier today. I'm just trying to get these for my friend because it's his favorite food. May I PLEASE have the cookies?" I begged. Hey, I even said "please." I only use that word when I'm trying to impress Blaza with my traits of being classy, good mannered, and sweet. "Aw.. That's so cute! But I don't care! These are mine, mine I tell you, MINE. And 'minor' issues? Try MAJOR," the lady yelled. Whatever. I wasn't looking for another fight with this woman. I casually just walked away, looking to see if they had something else to get Meme.

I wandered around the "Pastries and Sweet Treats" area for about 10 minutes when I finally found some sugar cookies, and it included a recipe for "the delicious, melt-in-your-mouth, fresh from the oven cookies from heaven." I held it in my hands, and walked to the cashier. There were quite a few long lines, but I wasn't surprised, considering this place was more crowded than an Ariana Grande concert. There was only one line with only one person there, but she sure had tons of stuff. Oh, and it was the lady from the "Cookie Crisis" and the "Parking Problem." I sighed, and walked to the line where she was. Okay, the other lines were long, and they had very long lines. And a few people had many stuff. I was going to take my chances with this lady. I sighed, and readjusted the way the sugar cookies were in my hands. The lady looked behind me, and scrunched up her nose. Probably thinking, "Ugh, her again." I didn't mind it. Other people's opinions are invalid, unless they're compliments. Of course, that's how life works. She looked ahead of her again, but then looked back, staring at the single item I had. 

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