The "Perfect" Picture

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finally have decent ish ideas- so Y/n in this au is a photographer basically.
"Y/nnnnnnn," Blaza said following you around the park. "Why did you have to bring your camera with youuuuu? This is just gonna take longer!! I just wanna go to Dunkin' Donuts!"
"Blaza, photography is AMAZING! And if you actually TRIED it you would agree! And besides, I'm trying to find the perfect photo!" you said."Ugh, fine, Y/n. Only if we can go to McDonalds after." Blaza said, giving in."Sure. But I thought you wanted to go to Dunkin' Donuts." you said."Huh? Oh, yeah, I did. We're swinging by Dunkin' Donuts after. I'm just gonna get Nadwe a Happy Meal. He wanted McDonalds, so, I'm gonna get it for him." Blaza said. "I-" you started. "Stop treating him like he's 4! He's 14!" you said to Blaza."Oh fine. We'll laugh at him for being 14. Is that better Y/n?" Blaza said."Yes. Because that is totally better." you said, your voice filled with sarcasm. "Great! Thanks, Y/n!" Blaza said, completely inoring your sarcastic tone. "Blaza, I hate you. And you're not leaving yet. You will help me find the perfect background." you said, entering the park. "Ooh! There!!" you said rushing towards beautiful flowers next to a clean, white bench.
FLASH! (no idea how a camera sounds-)
"There. Now we can go to McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts. You happy, Blaza?" you said, glancing at Blaza. "You have no idea." Blaza said."Oh, shut up." you said.
-Time skip-
"NADWE, I GOT YOUR HAPPY MEALLLLLL!!!" Blaza said entering Meme's house with you. "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN HAPPY MEAL, BLAZA?!" Nadwe screamed from the basement. "I mean Happy Meal. Do you want me to say it in Spanish?! I don't know how to say it in Spanish so, HAPPY MEAL!!" Blaza said, entering the basement with you and his Munchkins and Nadwe's Happy Meal. "I HATE YOU, BLAZA!!" Nadwe said, snatching the Happy Meal from Blaza. "Here, Muffin. There's your Happy Meal." Nadwe said, throwing the Happy Meal to Muffin. "But I wanted 10 piece chicken nuggets, fries, and lemonade..." Muffin complained."Hey, I didn't order it. Blaza did." Nadwe said. "Blaza,I am going to strangle you in your sleep. I am in your closet. I am now Nightmare Foxy." Muffin said, obviously about to kill Blaza. "Who is Nightmare Foxy?" Blaza asked."The person that's in your closet." Muffin said."Aight I'ma head out." Blaza said sprinting out of the basement. "You wil never escape me." Muffin said sprinting out even faster than Blaza. "HEY, HEY, HEY!! GUYS CHILL!!!" Laff yelled running up the stairs. "We should respect Meme's houseeeee!!!!!" Laff said, now trying to track down where Muffin and Blaza went. "Idiot..." Socks muttered. "Everyone here knows Nadwe prefers 'Wendy's.'" Socks said rolling his eyes. "rEaLlY?" you said, your voice cracking in the process. "I didn't know that..."
"Then you're an idiot, Y/n." Socks said, reaching for the TV remote. "SOCKS! DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT Y/N!! Y/N'S NOT AN IDIOT! Y/N'S PROBABLY SMARTER THAN YOU!!" Laff shouted from upstairs."MUFFIN STOP TRYING TO KILL BLAZA AND- OW!! STOP IT, MUFFIN" Laff yelled. "Wait you can hear me?" Socks said, surprised."WELL DUH! THESE WALLS ARE SO THIN! No offense, Meme." Laff said."Oh, it's fine. These walls ARE thin. I should've bought another house." Meme said, snatching the TV remote out of Socks' hand. "Also, you good? Did Muffin do anything to you?" Meme asked."NO! I'M NOT GOOD!! MUFFIN PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE AFTER BLAZA DUCKED! That kid can punch..." Laff said, still attempting to break up the fight. "Cool, have fun with that!" Meme said, turning on the TV. "Oh shut up, Meme!" Laff said."Okay, mom!" Meme said."Wait what-" Laff said.
"Hey Lynn, what do you need?" Meme said, picking up the phone while Socks stole the TV remote. (btw, you'll know lynn if you watched socks' latest patently stupid vid)
Bold: Lynn
Italic: Meme
"Hey Meme! I just wanted to ask, do you have any friends that like photography?"
"Oh yeah! Do you want to speak to Y/n?"
"Okay, let me get Y/n"
"Y/n! Lynn wants to speak to you!" Meme said, handing the phone to you. "No idea who Lynn is but okay?" you said, unsure.
"Hello, Y/n! I'm Lynn, and I need someone to help me with photography!"
(Italic is gonna be Y/n now.)
"Oh, you've come to the right person!"
"Great, can you meet me tomorrow with all of Socks' friends?"
"Sure! Group photo?"
"Yep! I want to send a photo of me and Socks friends to my cousin in Hawaii! She's a HUGE fan!"
"Aw, that's so kind of you!"
"Haha, thanks! So, see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow!"
                                -Call Ends-
"What'd Lynn say?" Meme asked, going to YouTube and going to his second channel. "She wants me to take a picture of all of you with her because she wants to send the picture to her cousin in Hawaii!" you said, barely breathing."Y/n, breathe. I know you're excited to take a picture but you won't be able to take the picture if you're dead due to lack of oxygen." Laff said, coming down, dragging Muffin and Blaza behind him. "Uh, are Muffin and Blaza good?" Tbh asked."No, they're not. I FINALLY got them to stop fighting. For now, at least." Laff said."Oh yikes." Dino said. "Anyways, what are we doing?" Laff asked sending Muffin and Blaza to separate ends of the very long couch. "Watching MY amazing videos of me and Nadwe fighting a giant vacuum monster." Meme said."That is SO boring, watching paint dry is more exciting." Woolfster said, bored as hell. "Oh, you wanna GO?!" Meme said, steam practically bursting out of his ears. "Yeah, let's go!" Woolfster said getting up and preparing to fight Meme. (unrelated but me and my friend last thursday-) "NO! I AM NOT HAVING THIS SITUATION AGAIN! WOOLFSTER! MEME! SIT THE HELL DOWN OR I WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Laff yelled."Laff, it's my house..." Meme said, confused."Do. You. Think. I. CARE?!" Laff yelled."No. So let's just watch Laff's amazing Minecraft videos." Meme said, terrified, and quickly switching to Laff's channel and selecting his latest Minecraft video. "Good! Now let's watch!" Laff said, sitting next to Oof (the legend).
     -After watching a few Minecraft videos-
"Oh, jeez, when did it get so late?!" Socks said, looking at the clock. "Oh, yeah, it's already 8:37!" Blaza said, looking at his watch. "You're right." you said getting up to leave. "Thanks for the AMAZING time, Meme! See you tomorrow at 12:30!" you said, rushing up the stairs and almost tripping. "BE CAREFUL, Y/N!" Laff yelled from inside."DON'T WORRY! I WILL MOM!" you yelled back."WHAT?!" Laff screamed.
-Time skip to the middle of a call with your friend-
Bold: you
Italic: your friend
"... well, you better get some beauty sleep, Y/n!"
"Yeah I knowwww, but I'm too excited to sleep!"
"Then you won't be able to take the photo, how about that?"
                       -Complete silence-
"Kay bye, (your friend's name)! I'll call you tomorrow to tell you how it went!"
                           -Call ended-
"Man, (your friend's name) might be right!" you thought."But how can I go to sleep... when I'm barely... ti-..." your thoughts faded away as you drifted off to sleep.
                      -Time skip to 10:35 A.M.-
Your eyes pop open. "10:35 A.M." you thought."Perfect" you thought jumping out of bed.
*your daily routine*
(insert your favorite song cus its your ring tone.)
Bold: you
Italic: Lynn
"Hello, who is this?"
"Hey, Y/n! It's Lynn!"
"Whoa who gave you my number?"
"Meme did. I woke up at midnight and realized i didn't have your number. So, I called Meme and asked him for your number!"
"He was awake?"
"Yeah, doing God-knows-what! Anyway, see you at 12:30?"
"See you at 12:30!"
"Great, bye!"
                               -Call ends-
"I'm just gonna get dressed now." you thought, barely being able to control your excitment. 
                           -You got dressed-
"Hey, what's wrong with heading to the park now? It's 11:57! Why not go now??" you thought, grabbing your photography equipment.
                        -Tims skip cus im lazy-
"Oh wow, it's 12:29! Guess I was slow!" you thought."Hey! Y/n!" a familiar voice called to you. You looked over to where you heard the voice and saw Meme. "Y/n, over here!" Meme called."Heyyy guys!" you said. "Hey Y/n! Hope you got some sleep last night!" Woolfster said, walking over."Yeah, I did! Don't worry! I'm not gonna fall asleep in the middle of this photo shoot!" you joked. Woolfster and Meme laughed and suddenly someone said, "Oh, hey, Y/n! It's me, Lynn!" Lynn said chilling with the 14 year-old gang. "Hi, Lynn! Nice to meet you!" you said, walking over to Lynn. "Likewise." Lynn said giving you a warm smile. "Well, now that Y/n's here, can we take the photo?" Laff asked."Yeah, of course! Just let me set up my equipment." you said getting your equipment. "How long is that gonna take?" Nadwe asked."Not long." you responded. "Probably like, 5 more seconds.... and done!" you said. (ik this probably isnt reality but deal with it) "Oh, wow that was fast." Blaza said."Yep. Now get into positions!"
Everyone got into crazy, wacky positions. For example, Lynn was trying to do the splits. Muffon was on Nadwe's back, Meme was giving Socks a punch on the arm, and Woolfster was rollong his eyes at Dino. "Ugh, come on guys! Get into normal positions! I need this to be the perfect photo!" you said."But Y/n! This is the perfect photo! The only flaw is that you're not in it!" Socks said."You gave them a second glance, laughed and set the timer for 10 seconds. Then you ran over there and struck an overly dramatic pose. "Say cheese!" you said.
There it was. The perfect photo.
Word count: 1708 words

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