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Ink's POV

I slowly opened my eyes only to be meet by a bright light that was on the ceiling and a beeping sound from beside me
I slowly sat up and noticed my chest has bandage being wrapped around it
"Glad you're finally awake" someone suddenly said
I turned to see it was Geno standing closer to the door while Dream and Blue standing next to him
They then approach me
"Ink! How are u feeling my friend?" Blue asked
"Fine I guess..." I muttered
I still couldn't forget what happened earlier..
"*sigh* it's really sad to hear that this happened AGAIN to you Ink...
What's up with the relationship between you and your foster dad??" Geno asked
"I mean....he can't be that so rude to you,what have u even done to him to make him do this to you??" Geno added
I just looked down
"I-I dunno.." I muttered
"Relax guys,the more important thing now is...he's fine" Dream said
"Hmm...Ink,as a detective
I have test for you that u need to answer" Geno simply said
"What is it?" I asked

"I'm gonna use your name and Dream's name in this short story okay?

*me and Dream nodded*

Ahem...okay here we go

One day...there were two people inside a laboratory...
Ofc,that was you and Dream
U two are experimenting something until it went wrong
Dream got shocked by an electricity so much and of course he died-"
"Let me finish and it's just a story" Geno said

The next day,you,Ink...went to shopping- I mean buy some stuffs that is needed for Dream's funeral
Until you accidentally bumped into someone and what u saw surprised you
It was 'Dream'! Or...the appearance is so much like Dream" Geno exclaimed
We looked at each others for a while before Geno continuing the story
"You even have so many questions in mind like 'I thought he died??' 'Am I seeing a ghost?' 'A zombie?'
And more

Now tell me....time for you to guess the answer or the truth
Ya know Dream really died from the electricity shock" Geno finished

I started to think...
Dream died...ofc he can't come back to life unless there's a magician in the story..
I suddenly already had the best idea in my mind
"It wasn't Dream...that I bumped on...instead...
It was Dream's twin brother,am I right?" I said
Dream was surprised at this as he suddenly stood up
"Dream,what's wrong?" Blue asked
"I- uh...Boss probably need me now,I gotta go bye! Nice story btw.." Dream said as he exited the room
"Yes...your guess is right,nice one Detective" Geno said
"You're cool Ink! It took even long for me to guess haha" Blue said

"Oh! I almost forgot...
Ink my friend...can u do me a favor...since you're the only one who is best detective here..." Blue muttered
I giggled
"Blue,I'm not really doing my job that great tho...
Anyways,what is it?" I asked
Blue then took out something from his pocket then showed it to me
It was a picture of someone, that is a little bit familiar for me
"This is...Fell,we've been bestfriends for...5 years now
And he started to went missing since last two weeks!
I have asked our other crews or the cops to find him but...they couldn't..
And I don't think he's dead yet!
Please Ink...find him for me and...bring him back to me..
Here,gonna give you this picture to guide who u finding" Blue explained as I accepted the photo
I really felt bad for him
"Okay Blue...I'll do my best"

"Be Dope" (Ink x Error/Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now