~11~:Guess what?

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"Boss boss boss!!! Guess what?!" Killer yelled while running towards Nightmare's office
He smacked the door open as Nightmare growled at him of how annoying he was
"WTF IS IT RIGHT NOW???" Nightmare asked in annoyance
"I dunno if this will gonna be a great news for you!,but guess what?
Dust told me to tell you that he saw someone spying near our base so he decided to abduct that guy!
And it's true! The guy he took was now on our empty room,Dust tied the guest's hands so that he won't easily escape" Killer explained
Nightmare stood up,seems so interested about the news
"Let me see it for myself" Nightmare grumbled as both of them exited the room and went towards the empty room Killer was talking about
Horror was on the door,guarding
"Oh hey boss,wanna see our guest?" Horror asked
"Get out of my way" Nightmare bluntly said,Horror just nodded as he let Nightmare pass

Nightmare opened the door
What he saw surprised him..
He chuckled
"Well well well...what a sleeping old friend we have here~" Nightmare cooed as he entered the room,still staring coldly at the unconscious Ink on the ground
"Wait,you know that guy?" Killer asked
Suddenly, Ink started to slowly wake up
He groaned and weakly sat up then started to look around
"Guess what,our guest is already awake" Horror said
Ink was now frightened
"Wha- where am I!? Who are-
Nightmare..?" Ink panicked as he saw Nightmare infront of him
"Heh,greetings to u too,acquaintance" Nightmare said
"Wait I thought he's your old friend?" Killer asked
"W-what do yo want from me!?" Ink asked,still frightened
Nightmare leaned closer to Ink as he bent down then raised Ink's chin to look at him straight
Ink was showing fear towards him again
"So...my guessing was right...you're a criminal and the leader of the Culprits A" Ink muttered
"Heh,you're right dear,now...for answering your question..
I want your soul~" Nightmare cooed as he slowly moved his hand towards Ink's chest
"Psh,as if!" Ink yelled and suddenly kicked Nightmare's face as he flip backwards
Once he fully gained his consciousness and strength
He quickly ran towards the door and kicked the two members of Nightmare hard

Before he could escape,he noticed something on the floor
It was a bracelet that was look alike to his
He grabbed it and quickly ran away
"Hey hey hey! Where the fuck are you going!?" Dust yelled as he started chasing Ink
Ink started to run faster than before
'Damn...I need to find something sharp to cut this leash and I also need to escape now by finding the exit of this place..' Ink thought as he randomly entered a room then locked the door and quickly hide under the bed
He was now huffing and getting tired again
'This is temporary hiding but...I still need to move to find the exit...' Ink thought
He started examining the bracelet he took from the floor
"Wait...this isn't mine,I thought this was mine or something
I wonder why there was a paper being wrapped around this bracelet..." Ink whispered to himself then he got an idea
He hardly put the bracelet first on his pocket and started making something using his creation magic
There,he made a pocket knife and started cutting the leash off from his wrists

Minutes later,his wrists was now finally free
He took a deep breath then sighed as he put the pocket knife on his pocket
Until suddenly...
He didn't noticed the door was open in the whole time..
"Found ya~" Horror said as Ink started screaming cuz of Horror frightening him
Horror harshly pulled out Ink from under the bed
"Let me go let me go let me go!!!" Ink yelled while struggling on Horror's grip
They exited the room
"Hey boss,guess what? I finally found him,he was just hiding under the bed hahahaha!" Horror laughed
Nightmare then harshly pulled Ink from Horror as he started gripping Ink's neck with his tentacle again
"P-please let g-go of me.." Ink stuttered and now can hardly breath because of Nightmare choking him

"We culprits doesn't show mercy
Besides,you're gonna die anyways so accept your fucking fate" Nightmare grumbled
Ink glared at him as he suddenly pulled out his pocket knife from his pocket and sliced Nightmare's tentacle as he finally escaped again
"UGH! FUCKING HELL!" Nightmare growled
Ink quickly ran away again as Nightmare's gang started chasing him again
But this time
Without them noticing Ink,Ink used his magic to finally escape from that place
"What the..." Dust muttered
"Where did he..." Killer trailed
"Go..." Horror finished Killer's sentence
"Damn,forget about it
Go back to your job,I'll deal with him later" Nightmare grumbled
"Once I got u again....I won't hesitate to kill you,you fucking annoying bitch" Nightmare mumbled and was now very pissed as he went back to his office

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? YOU LOOK SO TIRED! U SHOULD REST!" Dream exclaimed in panic as he saw his friend huffing from exhaustion
"*huff* Mr.Dream *huff* I...I need...*huff* water...please" Ink tiredly said as if he was gonna pass out soon
"Got it! Wait here" Dream said and exited the room
"Ink! There you are,we have a great news!" Blue exclaimed as he approach Ink
"Hm?" Ink hummed still huffing
"We caught a criminal! A dark one!
We are still examining him though we can't find out his whole identity because his mask on his face couldn't get off" Blue explained
Ink was surprised about the news
"Where is he?" Ink asked
"Oh ya know,in our prison room of course" Blue said
Ink stood up and quickly exited the room
"Oh...oh well, I still have more job to do" Blue said

Ink was now on the prison room and started to look around
Finding the masked guy while he walk
"Hey! Let me escape!" One of the criminals said,Ink ignored that guy
He kept walking until the red alarm suddenly rang
Means a criminal got escaped
Ink was shock about this tho so he exited the room for a while until he bumped into someone..

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