I thought you were just going on walk

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It was about a week after the wedding and honeymoon, I was in the kitchen of the flat that we still shared with Tristan. I was making dinner for Brad and I, Tris spent more time with Anastasia now.

I was in the middle of cooking when the smell of what I was making suddenly disgusted me. "Brad can you please take over here, I'm about to fucking puke." I stated walking to the bathroom. "Brad followed me and watched as I sat down on the bathroom floor.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I looked at him. "I honestly don't know, all I wanted to do was make dinner and then bam, the smell made me want to puke out of fucking no where." I stated.

"Well I hope your okay." He stated. I looked at him. "Im going on a walk to see if that will help, will you be okay making food?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yeah, whatever you need." He asked me. I got up off the floor and threw on a jacket and shoes. "Don't burn the fucking house down." I said before I left.

On my walk I was trying to figure out what the sudden change in smell could have been from, and then it hit me. I let out a sigh and walked to the store, even if it was a few blocks away, and made my way down the all to familiar isle. I grabbed what I needed and walked to the cashier. She rang the item up and handed it back to me, I gave her the money and walked back to the flat.

I shoved the item into my jacket and walked in. "Hey there you are, did the walk help?" He asked from the kitchen. I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah it did, I just have to use the bathroom really quick."

When I walked into the bathroom, I shut the door and took the item out of my jacket and looked at the thing in front of me. A fucking pregnancy test. I took it out of the box and took it.

I held it in my hand while I paced back and forth for 15 minutes waiting for the results. Eventually, I got them. I looked down at the white stick and sure enough, it said pregnant. I went with higher quality one this time. I slid my back down the bathroom wall as happy tears escaped my eyes.

As I was crying and looking at the test with a smile on my face, the door to the bathroom opened. "Honey, are oka-." He said, cutting himself off when his eyes landed on me on the floor.

He passed the sink counter, his eyes landing on the pink box, then he looked at my face and then to the test in my hands. He knelt down in front of me. "I'm getting major deja vu." He said trying to lighten the mood.

I looked at him with a smile on my face and handed him the test. He looked at me and then to it. "No fucking way." He said, like an excited child. "Yes way." I said back in the same tone. I took out my phone, deciding to record the next moment to see if he did anything funny and he did.

He stood up, held up his arms, him still holding onto the test with his hands in fists and a smile on his face. He spun around slowly and yelled. "I'm gunna be dad! E, we're gunna be parents!" He exclaimed excitedly. I smiled, "I know Brad, I know." I then stopped recording and looking at him.

"Time to tell people." I smiled. I showed him the video I took of him and posted to my socials tagging Brad and added a comment to it.

Never in a billion fucking years did I think that I would end up marrying you, and loving you. Now that we're married and happily in love, I can't wait to meet our new addition to the family 🖤❤️

The first person to call us was my mom. Telling Brad and I that she was happy to finally be a grandma.

The second person to call was Tris. Telling Brad that he better not do anything stupid that would hurt my heart.

Then Brad's family called him and they all gave us there congratulations.

Brad and I were going to be parents and I couldn't be happier. "So what do we name this joy?" I asked.

"I've always liked the names Eloise and Barnaby." Brad stated. I sat there for a minute. "What if we name it Scarlett Eloise Simpson if it's a girl and Luke Barnaby Simpson if it's a boy?" I said, that way both of us get to use the names that both of us like.

"Em, how are you so good at naming kids?" He asked me, placing a kiss to my nose. I looked at him. "I don't fucking know, I've never had them before, I've just thought about kid names for awhile, also didn't want to be one of those parents who gives their kids absolutely horrid names." I stated.

"Fair enough." He stated. "Hey babe?" he added after a long pause. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Can we get a dog." He asked. "Yeah, but first we need a house." I said. Before I knew it Brad and I were looking at houses online. Wanting to move back to Birmingham. We found a nice two story house with a  two car garage, a nice back and front yard, along with a basement.

"This one is perfect!" Brad exclaimed. I looked at him, I agree, it's even close to the school we went to. I stated. Brad was on the phone with e person who was selling it for almost an hour until they agreed to let us buy it.

We were to move in the 3rd of December. It was currently the 12th of November.

Brad and I began to start packing immediately, with the help of Tris, Con, and James.

It was weird, being married, being pregnant, and owning a house with Brad. I've said it once and I'll say it again, the world works in very mysterious ways.

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