Maybe I can accidentally fall in love

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"No way you took these!" Jeremy explained, looking at the pictures on my camera as I sat across from him.

"Yeah, I uh, some of them are really old and some are from a year ago, I just recently started to do photography again. It's the only thing that keeps the insanity in reality from ruining my life more than it already fucking has." I stated.

He handed my camera back to me. "So why do you paint?" I asked looking at him.

"Well, for the same reason you take pictures I guess." He answered.

I nodded my head and smiled. Jeremy and I continued to talk.  My phone started to ring. "Sorry." I said taking my phone out of my pocket. On the screen, it read TRIS 😎. He was the one trying to call me.

I hit answer, ready to scream at him.

(On phone)

Emery- what the fuck do you want Tris, I'm kinda busy at the moment. It was silent on the other end until someone spoke, it wasn't Tristan though.

Person- Emery, I'd really fucking appreciate it if you and Tristan could apologize to each other. It's effecting how he bloody plays!

It was Brad. Well shit

Emery- Brad, why the fuck are you using my brothers phone? I'm not fucking apologizing to him, I have no reason to apologize. I'm mad at him and he's mad at me, if he would just grow a pair, and fucking get on with life that would be great. Also, last time I checked, you, the band, and how Tristan plays, was never my concern and shouldn't be mine now or ever. So fuck off.

Brad- but wa-

I hung up

"Sorry about that." I said putting my phone back in my pocket.

"It's fine, but whose Tris and Brad?" He questioned.

"Tristan is my older brother and Brad is one of his best mates, band mates, and our flat mate." I stated.

He smiled at me. "So you live with them, why don't you live with your mum and dad?" He asked me.

"Well, my dad left me, my mom, and Tris my freshman year of high school, we don't know where he is and we don't care. Now me not living with my mom, I was kicked out Friday night." I sighed.

"I'm sorry about your dad, why'd you get kicked out?" He added.

I sighed. "A handful of reasons I guess, you ask a lot of questions."

"I'm just trying to learn more about you, tell me Em, where are you from?" He asked, referring to my accent.

I laughed. "I'm from a small town from east London, born and raised."

He gave me a look of confusion. "But you speak like your from America." He questioned.

"I lost my accent a little bit ago when my mom sent me to a reform school in America a little while back." I explained.

"Oh" he said as I looked at my phone, apparently Jeremy and I have been talking a great length of time, it was now 4 pm.

"Shit, I've got to go home." I said standing up. Jeremy stood up with me.

"Wait, uh, before you go can I be honest with you?" He asked.

I stared at him confused. "I-yeah"

"Okay so when I met your eyes yesterday, I knew I had to see you, get to know you. I really enjoy your company and I like hanging out with you." He stated.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now