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After the whole breakdown and Brad thing, I got dressed. My outfit consisting of black skinny jeans, a black Arctic Monkey's tee shirt, tucked into my jeans, a belt, a red flannel that I stole from my brother, and my beloved black Doc Martian's.

I walked out of my room. My phone, cigarettes and lighter in my pocket. In the kitchen was Brad, Connor, Tris, Anastasia, and James. "Hey fuckers." I said as I walked to where the alcohol was. I grabbed a red solo cup and poured what my heart desired into it. I took a sip of it, the various liquids burning the back of my throat and I smiled. "You should invite Jeremy." Tris said. I laughed. "Fuck that shit." I laughed as I walked off. Tris making a confused face.

Already feeling a little tipsy, I hooked my phone up and started playing music. People were starting to file into the apartment. I was making my rounds to people I knew like a few of Tristan's friends and crew members. After I made my rounds, people I didn't know started to show up.

I was in the middle of pouring myself and other drink. When I was done I walked over and stood somewhere random. I took a drink and looked at the door as it opened. When it opened, I nearly dropped my drink and stood there staring. It was him. And he stared back. This could not be happening right now.

I unfocused my eyes and walked off towards the kitchen. Feeling his gaze burning a hole on the back of my head. I went to the only person I told about the situation....minus a few details. Connor. I walked beside him and laid my forehead on his shoulder with an exasperated sigh.

Connor was my best friend, hell he was the only friend I really had. Of course he caught on to my uneasy-ness immediately. "Hey, Em what's wrong?" He asked looking down at me. " I took my head off his shoulder and stood in front of him. I moved closer to his ear so only he would here. "He's here."
I told him. Stepping back. Connor leaned down to my ear. "Who?" He asked. I put my head on his shoulder and let out another sigh. "Fucking Issac."

I moved my head and stepped back. Connor's eyes went wide. Of course he didn't know the whole story. "There's something I have to tell you." I told him, grabbing his hand and leading him to my room.

He sat down on my bed and pulled up my desk chair and sat in front of him the whole story. I told him about Issac not asking for consent, the test, it being negative, and the story of Issac leaving me for my best friend Amy. After the whole consent thing, and everything else that that mother fucker ruined.

Of course before I told him any of this he just thought that the story was we broke up and he left me for another girl, simple as that. After I told Connor the whole story he took my hands in his. "I'm so so sorry this happened to you." He stated. I looked at him. "I know Con, but it's not your fault, I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm not afraid of people, but Issac, he scares the fucking shit out of me." I stated, fear in my eyes.

"Well who else knows this?" He asked. "The full story, from start to finish? No one, besides you." I stated. "But we have a problem, he already fucking saw me." I stated.

"Well shit, what if we pretend we're a couple for the night and never leave each other's side, do you think he'd come up to you?" He asked.

"To be honest, I have no idea, but currently your idea is all I have." I stated. "We should get back out there before someone gets suspicious." We both walked out of my room, our fingers interlaced. "Ready to be my fake girlfriend." Connor joked as we walked to the kitchen. Running into Brad.

He looked down at Connor and I's hands and scoffed then stormed off. I wander what his problem was. When we reached the kitchen I poured myself a drink.

"Con, do you remember when I told you about that boarding school I was sent to awhile back?" I questioned as I sat on the kitchen counter, Connor standing next to me. "You mean the one where you lost your accent and said you'd die if you spent another moment there with all the nuns? He laughed. "Yeah, it was hell, but then I met Issac and things got better, but now the world is stupid and everything hates me and hates when I'm fucking happy. Maybe I should jump off Niagara Falls to get it over with." I stated looking down.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now