Mrs. Simpson

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The last 5 months really whizzed by, now I'm currently getting my wedding dress on with the help of Brads sister, Anastasia, my mom, and Brad's mom . It was a short dress, the same length of the one I wore for my 18 birthday party, it was white and faded into a light gray at the bottom. Anastasia was maid of honor and Nat, my mom, and Brad's mom were Bride maids.

Brad's best men were of course Tris, Con, and James. The flower girl was my little cousin Bella.

Eventually it was time for me to walk down the isle, Paul there to accompany me. When I reached my destination, Brad looked at me with those soft brown eyes. The preacher from moms church began to speak. "We are gathered here today in the bringing togetherness of two families. Do you Bradley Will Simpson take Emery Mary Evans to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Brad looked at me and smiled. "I do." The preacher then asked me. "Do you Emery Mary Evans take Bradley Will Simpson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I looked at Brad, tears threatening to spill over my eyes, "I do." I smiled. "They have each prepared there own vowels"

"When I met you for the very first time I never knew you would be the person I was going to end up marrying. It all happened so fast but I'm grateful it did, now you're my wife and I can continually fall more in love with you every for forever." I few tears slipped out of my eyes.

"I can't believe the person I used to hate is now the person I have married and is the person I love. I don't give my love to all, but I'm happy to share it with you. We have had our share of arguments and disagreements but I love you more and more every second I'm with you. With you, I'm finally home, and it feels great. You are my home, my rock, my everything and will be for forever." I stated.

"You may kiss the bride." The preacher said. Brad kissed me. And we then walked down the isle, and the reception began to start. I was officially Emery Simpson.

"Mrs. Simpson, may I have this dance my brother asked walking up to me, "Of course Tris." I stated. As we danced he asked me something. "Strange isn't it, how you fall in love with someone you least expect?" I looked at him, yeah, but I wouldn't change any of it for the world."

Eventually it was time for Brad and I's first dance. People made room on the dance floor for Brad and I. I smiled when he grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. "Can We Dance?" He asked, a smirk forming on his face. "Bradley, horrible joke, but yes we can." I smiled.

Brad had one hand on my waist and the other held my own. My other draped across his shoulder. "Never in a million years would I believe I'd marry my best friends sister." Brad stated.

I laughed. "Believe me when I say this B, I never thought I'd even relatively like you and marry you, but here we are, it's weird, but it feels right." I stated.

"Ditto." He replied, placing a kiss to my temple.

We were halfway through the dance when my mind unknowingly started to worry about the future, Brad and I would have to find a place of our own, we'd someday have children. Oh god, am I even fit to be a mother? All my thoughts slowly consumed me, and the song and dance ended.

I was pulled out my thoughts by Brad asking if I was okay.

"Darling, are you okay?" Brad asked. I looked at him, tears in my eyes. "Y-yeah,  I-uh, I just need air." I said backing out of the reception hall.  I walked all around the place we rented for the wedding, tears in my eyes, slowly cascading down my checks while I absentmindedly messed with my fingers. Everything happened so fast. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it did, but like how?

I was standing under a tree with my hands covering my mouth, I couldn't control my crying anymore, my  high top converse covered in mud do to the fact it rained.

I wanted scream and shout and I had no idea why. As I stood there trying to comprehend why I felt this way, I heard someone call my name, more than once.

I looked up and saw Brad running towards me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked when he reached me. I looked at him, instantly wiping my tears with my hands, more taking their place. "I-I don't know, I don't know." I said hanging my head.

Brad took a few more steps towards me till he was in front of me. "It's okay, it's okay." He said engulfing me in a hug. I silently cried into his shoulder until I was relatively okay again. "I'm sorry." I said. Brad looked at me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He stated. Kissing me on the cheek. "I freaked out because I started worrying about the future, we're gunna have to move out of the flat, find a place of our own, we'll have children, I don't think I'll be a good mom, Jesus I can barely make it through life being an actual decent person." I ranted.

Brad took my hands in his, "You'll be an amazing mum." He told me, looking into my eyes. "You think?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "I know so, I've seen the way you act with Bella." He stated. I smiled. I then looked at him, noticing the way his hair looked. I breathed I and smelled the cologne he had on.

"Jesus Christ Brad, I fucking love you." I stated. He laughed. "I love you too, Emery."

He kissed me on the cheek and started to kiss my neck. "B-Brad, we can't, people will get suspicious." I laughed. He brought his face up to mine and looked at me. "So let them, it's our wedding day anyway."  He smirked. I couldn't say no. "Fine." I stated.

Currently Brad was leading me somewhere more private. Eventually we were standing in front of a garden shed. "Really Brad, a fucking Shed?" I questioned. "Babe, chill, it's literally secluded from the reception." I started at him. "Fine." Brad opened the door and I followed him.

After he closed the door I looked at him. Lust and desire filled his eyes. Before I knew it I was up against the shed wall. My legs wrapped around Brad's torso. He was kissing me neck and looked at me. "You sure?" He asked me. I laughed. "Yes Brad, I'm sure, your literally my fucking husband now." He smirked and one thing led to another.

After we were done, I lazily put my converse back on,  barley even tying them properly. Brad's shirt was unbuttoned about 4 buttons, his hair a mess. I laughed. "Babe, you might want to fucking fix your hair." I told him. He took his fingers and ran them through his hair. "Better?" He asked. I smiled. "Better."

We both walked out of the shed, it now raining. Brad grabbed my hand and we ran aimlessly around through it. Both of us laughing uncontrollably. Eventually we were running around outside of the reception gazebo, everyone seeing us laughing and running in the rain.

My shoes now completely covered in mud. I was running and sliding. Brad running after me. The people at the reception stopping to look at us. "Careful Darling, you're gunna fall!" He laughed.

Surely enough I fell, but Brad caught me. "Told you so." He laughed. "So!?" I laughed. He was still holding on to me when he turned me around and kissed me. "I'm glad I have you in my life." He stated.

"I'm glad I have you too." I stated. He looked at me. "I think you mean ditto." He joked. I laughed. "I think we should get back." I stated. Brad looked at me, "Do we have to?" He asked. "Yes, we've already drawn attention to ourselves."  I laughed.

"Fine." He stated grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers together as we walked back to the reception. When we got there my mom found us almost instantly. "Looks like you two were having loads of fun." She smiled and I laughed. "Yeah, yeah we did."

The night went on, over drunkly dances, funny story from the past and having a good time. Finally people began to leave and Brad and I went back to our hotel room.

"I am tired." I said. Getting out of the shower and throwing on some pjs. "That's a shame." Brad stated from the bed. I walked over and laid down next to him. Oh please, there will be countless times for us to love, we're married now hun." I stated.

"Fine." And with that we went to sleep.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now