Forty-one: It's okay, it's okay now

391 19 36

They certainly do spend lots of time together, all the time in the world, then they wake up with their limbs closely intertwined the next morning. Taeyong snuggles closer into Doyoung's scent, the younger humming in appreciation for the warmth, and neither of them make an effort to move. Time doesn't matter to them for as long as they're laying together.

After the live, they had curled up on the sofa and watched the premiere of the music video along with the fans. They both cried. A lot. The song has been received with an overwhelming amount of love, even from people who don't often listen to Taeyong's music as though the entire world has cast its eyes on the release. It has the fans hyped up and ready for the reveal of the whole album this afternoon.

"I could lay here all day." Taeyong says with a sleepy laugh. His hair is sticking up in all kinds of directions when he yawns, enticing Doyoung to ruffle it even more. The elder pouts before shifting to kiss the younger. They ignore the delightful morning breath to soften into each other's touches, small sighs and light moans escaping their lips.

"Why don't we, then?" Doyoung replies after a few minutes of unrushed kisses.

"I need to take my meds and we both need to eat." Taeyong points out.

So they catch ten more minutes of feather kisses and quiet conversation before they decide to get up. Doyoung gets first dibs on the shower while Taeyong busies himself in the kitchen. The towels are so soft that Doyoung nearly falls asleep again, but he manages to make it to the kitchen and finish nursing the food until his boyfriend finishes up in the bathroom. Despite previously wanting to stay curled up under the covers, Doyoung can admit that the food warms him and the cake afterwards is a bonus. He never would have dreamt of eating dessert at breakfast time.

"Thank goodness I have someone to share this with. I'd just eat it all in one go if you weren't here." Taeyong laughs when he places the cake back in the box to keep in fresh.

Doyoung uses the toothbrush his boyfriend bought for when he stays over and sneaks some of his fancy face cream. As he rubs it into his face, he looks at his reflection in the mirror and the tips of his fingers prickle, the sensation spreading through his arms and even into his legs. He's grateful that Yestoday was received so well, of course he is, but that's only one hurdle out of the way. The full album is filled with deeper, rawer emotions, and it feels as though a piece of him is being handed over to the public by releasing such personal music. Taeyong, as the main lyricist and sole producer, must have his emotions turned up to the max.

"I wondered where you went." Taeyong juts out his bottom lip as he pushes the bathroom door open. It wasn't locked, simply left ajar, so he lets himself in and curls his arms around Doyoung's waist. "I was also wondering why my cream was disappearing so fast." He taps his boyfriend's nose and sticks his tongue into his cheek, eyes bright.

"Sorry." Doyoung says, sheepish although he's not guilty as he continues to rub the lotion into his skin. Taeyong doesn't mind.

The elder doesn't release his grip even when Doyoung shuffles out to the living room, and they tumble into a giggling heap on the sofa with their legs naturally wrapping together and breaths syncing.

"I could do with a new sofa." Taeyong comments, looking at where the leather has worn white with a frown.

"It's literally just been your birthday." Doyoung points out.

"I wasn't going to ask for a sofa from anyone, was I?" Taeyong rolls his eyes. "We can pick new furniture together anyway."

Last night, they stayed huddled in front of Taeyong's computer until the early hours of the morning. They've found a possible apartment. It's affordable, although Taeyong will have to pay the largest proportion of the price, with two sizeable bedrooms and even a balcony. It sits on the outskirts of the city in a neighbourhood that is appealing and lively even on google maps. The company has given them the go ahead, and so have Doyoung's parents. They're going to view it in three days' time to confirm if it's the right fit for them.

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