Thirty-six: When I met you

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Stepping through the fancy doors of the SM entertainment building induces anxiety in Doyoung. A security guard greets him as he enters, and his mind short circuits to barely allow him the capacity to bow in response. There are fans milling around in the café and gift shop, so he hopes that his mask and hat and brisk walk will stop anyone from snapping photos of him, or of speculating about his identity. Ideally, if anyone does spare him any attention, they'll simply brush him off as a manager and turn back to the stack of albums. On his way to the staff only doors, Doyoung passes through the gift shop. He can't resist the temptation of spending some time pacing around, admiring Taeyong's merch and albums.

He can't even begin to describe the excitement when he reaches out to touch one, to stroke his thumb along Taeyong's jawline. After months of no schedules, Taeyong is back in the practice room today and Doyoung can't dodge the reminder of his boyfriend's high profile. Taeyong gave him a pass for the doors, as well as a list of directions through the building so he can find his way to the right practice room to meet him after his morning college lessons.

By this point, Doyoung has accepted that he isn't going to do as well in the exams as he was previously aiming for, and he allowed his mind to wander during class. He had whispered to Jungwoo about his plans for the afternoon, giggling when his friend's eyebrows shot up his forehead. Now, as the doors slide apart to allow his entrance, Doyoung's footsteps echo in the empty corridor. The lights are harsh combined with the white walls and shiny tiles, and everything seems surreal. He could be walking through a dream for all he knows.

Taeyong told him that a manager would be waiting for him outside, and Doyoung shrinks away at the sight of Hyunseok. He had prepared himself for a stranger's face, yet the familiarity doesn't comfort him even though the man makes an effort to smile and chat to him about his day. It doesn't relieve his nerves about the upcoming meeting with management he's been requested to attend, either.

"You're early!" Hyunseok nods in approval.

"I don't like being late." Doyoung explains as the manager leads him down the final corridor to reach the practice room.

There's music playing, muffled by the heavy doors, and the melodies swim into clarity when the manager opens them for Doyoung to step inside. It's a song he's never heard before, with a grunge bassline that vibrates through the floor and deep into Doyoung's chest, his head naturally bopping along to the beat. His eyes are attracted to his boyfriend as he slides into a chair in the corner with discretion to not distract the man.

Taeyong's eyes are fixed on his reflection in the mirror and his body moves seamlessly in time with the music. The rolls contrast with the intense rap, but it all fits together in a mesmerising routine. And for Doyoung, it's magical to see his boyfriend in this zone, in person, for the first time. He realises that the camera only captures a miniscule element of the aura Taeyong exudes as he dances, eyes dark and lines finished with perfection. Taeyong is a master of dance, of music, of performance, although it's a rough rehearsal to sketch out the beginnings of a routine.

The music comes to an end and Taeyong freezes as though he's on stage and the camera is still on him. Then, he collapses onto the floor to catch his breath, hands running through his sweaty hair.

"Doie!" Taeyong's face lights up when he spots his boyfriend in the corner of the room a moment later, and Doyoung bursts into applause, standing to make his way to sit beside Taeyong.

The idol crawls to reach his discarded t-shirt, and Doyoung finds his eyes trailing away at the realisation that he's shirtless. Which shouldn't be a surprise, given that Taeyong prefers to dance that way, appreciating how it allows him to see his lines better, but Doyoung is still overcome by a wave of embarrassment for some reason. A few members of staff are sat around, none paying attention to anything besides their laptops and paperwork. Doyoung peeks at the idol's soft abs as they disappear underneath his oversized t-shirt, then again when he lifts the hem to wipe at the sweat on his forehead.

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