Chapter 1

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My name is Jena and I have been in an abusive relationship for about three years. I'm still in high school, 12th grade, school for me is like a vacation. I get away from all of the hitting and cussing, but as soon as I get out of that school all hell breaks loose. Not even my best friend, Kelly, knows about the abuse that I go through on a regular basis. As long as we're around people Jason acts like I'm a princess but when they're all gone I turn into his punching bag. I never thought I'd be in this kind of relationship, I always said if I was in an abusive relationship I'd stand up for myself but when you get into the situation it all changes.

"Come on Jena, we gotta get to the movies!" My cousin, Stephanie, yelled through my bedroom door as I put my makeup on, to cover the fresh bruises.

"I'll be out in a minute, putting my jeans on then I'll be ready." I responded as I finished my make up. I hated lying to everyone I loved, but there was no way I could tell them what I was going through. I slipped on my black flats and went out of my room to see Stephanie on the phone. "Come on, let's go." I told her as I looked at my messages from Jason. He was meeting us at the movies, I wanted so bad to act like I was sick but I knew he would know I was lying.

"Hey baby." Jason greeted when we pulled up at the movies. I smiled at him and we made our way inside.

When we were getting our tickets there was a guy selling them and he smiled at me and I smiled back at him, when I looked over at Jason he was giving me a death glare. We took our seats and watched the movie. At the end of the movie, Jason told Stephanie he would bring me home. When we got into his car he started the engine and as soon as we pulled out of that parking lot the yelling began.

"You don't ever smile at another man! I am the only man you smile at, do you hear me? I don't want to even catch you looking at a damn man..." He yelled as we pulled into his driveway. When he turned the car off he looked over at me with hate in his eyes and smacked me hard across the face. Automatically tears began falling down my face. What made him this way? Why does he hate me so much? What have I ever done to him? Will I ever get away? All of those questions come into my mind everytime he hits me. As I stood in his room with him hitting me I could taste the blood in my mouth.

When I got home I went straight to my room so no one would see the fresh blood and bruises. I had work in the morning so I had to be going to bed anyways, I got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. When I woke up at 6am to get ready, I just wanted to stay in bed all day but I got up and went to get ready for work. I stood behind the register at Starbucks and was bored out of my mind.

When in walked a tall, tan short haired guy, looking good. He smiled as soon as he walked in. Why can't I have someone like that? I didn't feel like I had to hide around a guy for once and that kind of scared me. He looked geniuley nice, like someone that would be a good friend.

"Hello? Are you in there?" The guy asked while waving his hand in front of my face, smiling the whole time.

"Sorry, I was zoned out. How may I help you?" I ask, trying to be as polite as he seemed. He ordered but remained where he was. "Is there something else you'd like?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, no. I was just thinking of how gorgeous you look. You don't look like you're happy." He said with an attitude once I handed him his coffee. There goes the niceness.

"I don't think that should matter to you." It came out ruder than I meant it to but it seemed to make him laugh.

"Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean nothing by it, just taking an observation. Well, maybe I'll see you around." Then the guy walked out of the store and I wondered if one of my bruises or something was showing, since he could tell something was wrong.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly being that it was a Sunday. Most Sundays I have to work, take forever not that I mind. It gets me out of Jason's way and I am beyond thankful for that. When I got home my mom was in the kitchen making dinner, she looked happier than usual but I didn't say anything to her.

"We're having guests for dinner tonight, so go get dressed for dinner. My old friend May and her son Hunter have moved here, so I invited them over." I didn't make any noise yet she still knew I was there, how does she do it?

I make my way up to my room and take a shower. When I get out I put on my favorite pair of blue jeans and a red v-neck shirt. I apply my makeup quickly being my mom is yelling for me to come down because our guests were here. I walked down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen, then I stopped dead in my tracks when I seen who the guest was.

Author's Note:

New story, sorry if it seems kind of slow, I promise it'll get better. And this one will be longer than the last story.

Votes & Comments are welcome! :)


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