4 - First Snow

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[Heeseung POV]

"Does snow still fall like feathers?"

Only when she asked this I noticed the hills of white snow behind her through looking past the large panes of windows that extended from the ceiling to the ground. It was already half past 9, yet the sky was still bright from the reflection of the thick layer of white blanket covering the land. And under the dim light of a distant street lamp, I could see that it started to snow again.

"Yes it still does," I replied after a while, distracted by the silent beauty in front of my eyes.

"Then how beautiful it would be, meeting someone you love in the snow." Still engrossed in the sentiments of the song, she said quietly, yet articulate enough for me to hear.

I moved my eyes back at her. The girl who was sobbing so heartbreakingly moments ago was gazing down now, as if preoccupied with a scenery that she has never seen--and cannot see. Her eyelashes were long and droplets of remaining tears shimmered under the soft ceiling light. Beneath flushed cheeks and a delicate nose were peach coloured lips that were half parted in deep contemplation. She was like pure white porcelain on the edge of a table and the first layer of snow in spring, fragile, on the verge of breaking, yet refined, making my heart beat in uneasy rhythms.

"Yes. How beautiful..." words slipped out of my lips uncontrollably, "...it would be."

With feathers of snow falling silently behind her out the window, it was like she was part of it. In this beautiful moment, it was as if the first snow of winter has brought her in front of me.

Bedside//enhypen heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now