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The Vampire Diaries

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The Vampire Diaries

S1 Ep19

The light from the window was shining on Sasha, forcing her awake. She sat up in bed with disheveled hair thinking about how little she wanted to go to school. The bad feeling from last night was still rooted deep inside her but it wasn't like Sasha could just ignore her life and stay in bed until the bad thing happened. So she got dressed and went to school ready to face whatever happened. 

Walking in the halls Sasha spotted her friend and walked towards her. After leaving last night's party early, Sasha didn't find out if Matt was ok after the beating he got, but she knew Charlotte had stayed behind with him. 

"Hey, how are you?", Sasha said when she reaches Charlotte.

Charlotte turns to her friend and smiles. "I'm fine. I stayed with Matt and cleaned up his face. He, uhm- he kind of started crying", Charlotte didn't want to tell anyone about Matt's vulnerability last night but Sasha was her best friend. 

"Wait really? Was he ok?", Sasha asks worried for her friend. 

"Yeah. I think he finally kicked out his mother and is alone. He opened up to me last night and I think we've become a little closer", Charlotte knew what Matt had gone through was terrible but the new friendship they started last night made her smile. 

Sasha smiled at her friend. She loved Caroline but her and Matt weren't the perfect fit. "That's great Lottie".

"How are you holding up?", Charlotte asks.

Sasha didn't feel like talking about what happened last night so she played dumb with her best friend. "I'm great why wouldn't I be?".

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the guy you are casually hooking up with made out with your sister's ex's mom and then punched said ex until he was nearly unconscious. All this in front of you.", Charlotte says.

"Well when you put it that way", Sasha still didn't want to answer the question. She knew what Tyler had done and it was horrible. But it was also out of character, nearly like something had possessed him.

"I'm being serious Sasha imagine he does that to you? He's not a good guy", Charlotte insists.

"Lottie I know. I'm stopping things between us. For real this time.", Sasha held up her pinkie. Charlotte looked at it and smiled intertwining her pinkie with hers and shaking on it. Both girls smile at each other. Charlotte puts her arm around her friend.

"Finally you're seeing some sense. See I'm the wise one in this partnership, especially when it comes to love", Charlotte tells Sasha. Sasha looks at her friend with a raised eyebrow. "Oh shut up", Charlotte playfully shoves Sasha away making both girls laugh. 

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