chapter 9

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Y/n's wounds are healed. It took longer than he expected.  Y/n wants to start things up with a bang.  Y/n attacks an orphanage.  This cause the resistance to immediately respond.

Atlas sends a strike team of ten. Coco,Yang and Blake join in with the team. 

The team arrives and enters the orphanage. The front desk is coated in blood and a dead receptionist is in a chair behind the desk. 

The team moves to the bedrooms. They clear each room one by one. 

Yang noticed colored cloths hanging on the doors.

Yang: What do you think the cloth is for?

Blake: I don't know. But I got a feeling...that I don't want to. 

They continued down the hall. A light suddenly turned on at the end of the hall. Y/n can be seen under the light.

The strike team aim their weapons at Y/n.

Yang: There you are! What did you do to the kids?! 

Y/n: I saved them.  Saved them from a life of torment.

Y/n pulled out a blue and pink cloth.

Y/n: Blue and pink, boy and girl, innocence lost. 

Y/n tossed the cloths aside.

Y/n: I'm surprised that you didn't bring Ruby. She did damage me after all.

Blake: No more games! Where are the children?!

Y/n snaps his fingers and a  light beside him turns on.  A door is revealed by the light.

Y/n: Take a look. And try to convince me that what I'm doing is wrong.

Y/n vanishes.

The team cautiously enter the room. It is covered in blood and dead bodies litter the floor. But that wasn't the most disturbing detail.

The room definitely wasn't made with children in mind. And only proved Y/n's point further.   

Y/n appears in front of a dead corpse of a well dressed man.

Y/n: I wouldn't have never known this place even existed, if I followed the rules. 

Y/n looked down at the dead corpse.

Y/n: How am I supposed to feel remorse for killing a man like him?! A man who did an unspeakable crime!

The team got ready to fire onto Y/n. Suddenly red eyes appeared behind Y/n. Dozens of them.

Y/n: You wanted to know what happened to the children? I let them have revenge. And now they'll help me build a perfect world.  If I were you, I'd run!

The children lunged from the darkness at the group.

They began to ran back out the door. Two unlucky soldiers weren't fast enough and got tackled. Their screams echoed as they were torn limb by limb by the demonic children. 

The survivors ran down the hall and fired into the horde of demonic children in vain.

They kept running  and had nowhere to hide.

They had to get outside  in order to have any hope of escape.  

But that was easier said then  done.  The team was getting picked off one by one.  And Coco was next.

Coco gets tackled into a room. She is thrown into a cabinet. 

Coco gets up and looks to see Velvet.

Coco: *saddened* Velv.

Velvet pulls out a knife.

Velvet: Hello, Coco. Y/n says that everyone has to die. And that's fine by me.  I'm not weak anymore, he's made me strong. So I'll stand by him.  And you will too.

Coco went for her handbag, but Velvet kicks it away.

Velvet lifts Coco up by the next and slams her against the cabinet.

Coco: *choking* I'm...sorry.

Velvet: Don't be. I was liberated from this weak form. And you will be too. 

Velvet stabs Coco through the heart and kills her instantly. She drops Coco's lifeless body onto the floor.

Blake and Yang are the only two to make it outside.  They got into one of the vehicles they arrived in and sped off.

Y/n steps outside and the children are right behind him.

Y/n: That was fun! Alright kids! Let's go cause some more havoc!

Y/n now had a horde to add to his chaos. 

Y/n is getting bored.  With nothing to really challenge him, he's about to kill everyone and be done with it. Only Ruby seems to hold power that can stop him. But can she unlock it in time.

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