chapter 8

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The assault on the L/n family home is about to begin. The large group sent to kill Y/n gets close enough for Y/n to sense their presence.

Y/n: Their here. I should have known.  It's time for me to show my hand.  

Jaune and Velvet walk out of the darkness and approach Y/n, their eyes are black and red like his.

Jaune: What do you wish of us?

Y/n: I want you two to deal with our uninvited guests.   

Jaune and Velvet nod and walk out of the room. 

Y/n: This ought to be fun.  

It didn't take long for the two of them to end the attack.   

But the attack gave the insight on Jaune and Velvet being on Y/n's side now.

This caused caution. It was hard enough to deal with Y/n. But now they had to deal with  two more.

But Y/n just needed them to guard him as his skin healed.  

It would take some time. Time that the survivors would have to prepare. Everyone must be prepared to say goodbye to their loved ones. 

However, only one person even stood a chance at stopping Y/'s bloodlust.  Ruby.

Despite not being in the best condition. She sets put to once again try and talk sense into Y/n. 

She made it to his home.  It was almost just as she remembered it.

She walked through the home and saw blood on the walls. She could feel eyes watching her every move.  

She looked up the staircase leading upstairs. She sees Jaune looking down at her, his eyes just like Y/n's.

Ruby: Jaune?!

Jaune doesn't respond and walks out of view. Ruby runs up the steps.  She looks down the hallway, but Jaune is nowhere to be seen. 

A door slowly creaks open. She takes it as an invitation and walks into the dark room. Only one window shines light into the room.

The door closes behind her, but she remains unfazed.

Ruby: Y/n. I've come to talk.

No response was heard for a minute. 

Suddenly Ruby could hear Y/n in front of her, but couldn't see him.

Y/n: How many times must you try the same thing?  It's getting old.  As much as I love hearing your voice, I get tired of this.

Ruby: I want to know what it will take for you to stop. 

Y/n: I will not stop. You haven't seen what I've seen. There are more like me. Worse than me. Most of them only want power. But if I create a army. They can never hurt our timeline. We will be safe, together. 

Ruby: We don't need to die. 

Y/n: We do. 

Y/n's burnt hand came into the light.

Y/n: Without my power, you would have killed me.  I should be mad. But I can't stay mad at you. 

Ruby: *sadly* Y/n.

Ruby reached and pressed her fingers against his.

Ruby: Does it hurt?

Y/n: Not enough for me to want you to stop.

Ruby: *sigh* I shouldn't still love you. When you died. *pauses* I was devastated. I should have told you. But I was scared. 

Y/n: I should have told you as well.

Ruby: I wish I could say that it isn't too late. But it is. They won't forgive you.

Y/n: I don't need them to. They'll thank me.  This power is liberating.  Join me, Ruby.

Ruby: I can't! I...need to stop you. 

Y/n: Ruby...please. *pleading* I...I...NO! 

Ruby grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

Ruby: Y/n. Come on! Come back to me!  I love you.

Y/n slowly reached his other hand out. But then he pulled his hand back.

Y/n: NO! I'm doing this for the betterment of us all! I've come too far.

Ruby: *sadly* Y/n.

Y/n let go of her hand. His hand went back into the darkness.

Y/n: Leave. Prepare yourself. Soon it will be over.  I'm giving you a chance to win. 

Ruby had no choice but to run away. 

Y/n cackles to himself.

Y/n: Run away, my gemstone. Once I am ready, we will begin round two of this dance.  And this time, I have backup dancers.

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