chapter 7

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Y/n's defeat gives about a week of time.  The week of time means that the factions of the world have to band together. 

The death of Salem caused her associates to come out of hiding.  Most were willing to join Ozpin in order to combat Y/n. But not all were willing. 

The white fang is cooperative. Only Adam's group continues to be a thorn.

Blake knew that this would need a personal touch. 

She took the biggest risk that she could.  She walked into the white fang camp alone.  

The white fang began to circle her.  Adam stepped forward and walked up to Blake.

Adam: What are you doing here?

Blake: To get your help.

Adam: And why should I help you?

Blake: You don't have a choice. If you don't, you will die.

Adam: I am not afraid of him.

Blake: You should be! This is the first time that everyone is joining forces to combat something! You are one of the last groups that are holding out.

Adam: I would rather die than fight beside the same people who gave me my scar! 

Blake: This isn't about you! You claim to care about faunus! But you only care about yourself!

Adam growls.

Blake: If you chose to fight alone, you will be picked off. If we work together, we have a better chance of living.   

Adam: And you assume I care.

?: You really should.

The white fang make a gap in the circle. Cinder walks through with Emerald and Mercury.

Cinder: it's not that hard to understand. You fight with us, you might win. You fight alone, you die. So swallow that pitiful thing you call pride and join us. 

Adam: You dare?

Cinder: I dare. I'm not going to die just because you can't get over yourself.

Adam goes to draw his blade.

Cinder just stares.

Cinder:*sarcastic* Oh yes. Just make the genocidal maniac's work easier for him. That couldn't possibly go wrong. 

Adam growls and puts his hand away from the blade. 

Cinder: There are people that were tougher than we are, and their dead.  Killed by the same person that we are fighting against.   This isn't a fight that can be won alone.

Blake: She's right Adam. I wouldn't even think of coming here, if I didn't think I needed to. But I needed to, because we can't win without everyone!

Adam looks at the white fang around them. Most were concerned that they were going to die unless they joined the others.

Adam: Fine.

Meanwhile, Ozpin and Ironwood set up a plan.

Ozpin: He's injured. 

Ironwood: How bad?

Ozpin: Not bad enough. We don't know how long we have. We need to strike quickly.

Ironwood: I already lost a whole special ops unit. 

Ozpin: I know. But this might be our only chance.

Ironwood: Nobody is going to volunteer for the mission. 

Ozpin: We need to make sure that he is there first.

Ironwood: How do we do that?

Ozpin: I'm working on that.

?: He's there.

Ozpin and Ironwood look to the source of the voice. 

Ozpin: Raven.

Raven: There's nowhere else for him to hide. He would naturally only go somewhere he is familiar with. 

Ironwood: And since he already beat us there-.

Raven: He knows that he can win there.

Ozpin: It's settled then.

Ironwood: I already tried destroying the place. It doesn't work. 

Ozpin: From what we've seen, he can bend reality. This won't be easy.

Ironwood: It never is.  

Ozpin: I know I'm asking a lot of you. 

Ironwood: If anyone is going to go into a place like that. It will be Atlas.

Ozpin: The L/n home. That place has become   the house of death.

More and more join the coalition against Y/n.  He is the enemy of everyone. Just as planned.

Y/n licks his wounds in his home.  He lays in his bed.  He has a surprise for anyone that enters his home.  And that surprise will ensure that he can rest easy.

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