chapter 3

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Y/n's murder spree is slow and methodical.  Y/n only kills those that can fight back.   Y/n doesn't find it fun to kill those that are defenseless.  

The amount of dead doesn't allow secrecy.  The world is aware of Y/n, and is terrified. 

But the ones that should be terrified, are at beacon. 

Y/n's old team is found dead on Monday morning.   With the message "I'm back", written on the wall. 

Y/n is stalking Beacon academy. And nobody is safe.  

Y/n could kill everyone quickly, if he wanted to. But he wants to enjoy himself and have some fun. 

Classes go as planned. 

Miss Goodwitch  wants two volunteers. 

Suddenly the lights turn off. 

When the lights turn on, Y/n is seen standing in the middle of the room. 

Y/n: *Sarcastic* I volunteer. 

Y/n looks around and sees the scared expressions of all sitting in the seats.

Y/n: This means I need another to fight. So who wants to test themselves against a demon?! 

Goodwitch attempted to raise her riding crop. But Y/n turned his glare to her.  She froze from fear. 

Y/n approached miss Goodwitch.

Y/n: Look who it is!  My favorite teacher.  So, what do you think of me now? Do I finally have potential?  Should I tell them how you evaluate us?

Glynda: You wouldn't!

Y/n: Oh I would! *turns to face everyone* Miss Goodwitch, likes to evaluate us based on looks alone!   

Y/n pulls out some papers.

Y/n: I got a few of them right here. 

Y/n shifts through the papers.

Y/n: "Jaune Arc. From looks alone, he obviously has no experience in a fight.  He can barely even hold his sword.  I wouldn't be surprised if he fails." 

Y/n chuckles to himself.  He shifts through a few more.

Y/n: Here we go!  "Y/n L/n. From looks alone, I can't see any potential.  There is no way for him to ever pass, and even less of a chance that he'd be a good huntsman".

Y/n threw the papers on the ground.

Y/n looks of Glynda.

Y/n: Didn't anyone ever tell you, not to judge on looks. 

Suddenly Y/n pulls out a knife and stabs Glynda in the gut. 

Y/n twists the knife as Glynda screams in pain.

Y/n: You judge us on our looks. But you know what you look like right now? A defenseless little sheep, about to be slaughtered.

Suddenly a hammer slams against Y/n's head. It sends him flying back against a wall.

Y/n sees that his attacker is Nora.

Nora: That's enough! I'll be your opponent.

Y/n smirks and stands up.

Y/n: Ah. Nora. Have you ever heard of Irony? 

Nora charged for Y/n. Y/n dodged the hammer strike. Y/n continued to dodge strike after strike. 

Eventually Y/n decided to end the fight. He delivered one solid kick to Nora's leg. The kick destroyed her aura.

Y/n: That was supposed to break the leg.  Oh well. Can't get everything you want.

Nora gripped her hammer tightly. 

She charged for Y/n again. Only for Y/n to trip her and make her fall to the ground.

Nora reached for her hammer. But Y/n places his foot on it, not allowing her to lift it up.

Y/n: You lost.  I forget to mention. The loser DIES! 

Ruby: Y/N STOP!  

Y/n pauses and looks at Ruby. Ruby walks down to him.  

Ruby: Y/n, please. Nobody else has to die.

Y/n: They need to die Ruby. In order for them to be reborn like me. They need to die.  I'm improving everyone.   Look at me Ruby. Just a few days ago I was a laughing stock!  But now, nobody can hold a candle to me! 

Ruby placed a hand on Y/n's chest.

Ruby: Y/n. You don't need to be angry anymore. I...I know it was hard on you. I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from killing yourself.

Y/n: *chuckle* You really think I killed myself?

Ruby looked at Y/n with wide eyes.

Y/n looked past Ruby to see Yang charging at them.

Y/n teleports behind Ruby and catches the fist meant for him.

Y/n: Always so angry.  If only you knew how to use it.

Y/n punched Yang in the gut. It was enough to break her aura and freeze her in her tracks.

Yang looked at Y/n wide eyed and fell to the floor.

Y/n: Well. There's always another day to kill everyone. I'm bored.

Ruby: Wait! Who killed you?!

Y/n didn't respond. The lights go out and when they come back on, Y/n is gone.

But now a mystery is revealed. Who killed Y/n?

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