Chapter 8

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Sophie lugged the pops and a tray of mallowmelt back up to her room, all the while deep in thought.

Luckily, with Havenfield being so large, she had plenty of time.

Edaline had been right, as she always was, but that had just caused her more problems.

Her heart was screaming go with Keefe, be happy Sophie!

Her head was telling her heart off for being so illogical.

Being with Keefe, raising a family with Keefe, living a normal life with Keefe.

It all sounded amazing.

But yet she was meant for more.

The Black Swan didn't get credit for much, they made her to be a weapon, essentially, but she had gotten so used to having a purpose that she was completely put off when the Neverseen were finally gone.

She was completely lost and miserable.

She wasn't prepared to go through that again, the Black Swan had broken her.

With all these expectations and requirements pushed on her as a child, she was unable to sit still and be doing nothing as an adult.

But why did that mean she couldn't be with the man she loved?


"I'm back!"

She took a deep breath and smiled at her friends, putting on a happy facade, her friends grinned at her and swarmed for Edaline's famous mallowmelts.

"God, I've missed these. I was just joking, I only came back for Edaline's mallowmelts." Keefe winked and pulled Sophie into his arms, she laughed and stole one from the tray that he had been hogging.

"These aren't just for you, you know?" Sophie crossed her arms and faced him, Keefe shrugged, "Don't worry, I'll leave one for you to split between the others." She rolled her eyes and moved over to where Biana, Dex, Tam and Marella were sitting laughing in a huddle.

"Having fun?" She smiled, Biana patted her arm jokingly, "You make a fine host, Sophie." 

The group laughed, and Tam added, "Seriously though, Biana and I haven't caught up with anyone in what seems like ages, this was the perfect opportunity."

Dex nodded, "Yeah I wish we could be a proper group again."

"Why can't we be a proper group? Everyone wants to be." Marella shrugged, all her friends turned to face her.

"It sounds great, but, I'm a councillor now." Sophie rubbed the back of her head awkwardly,  not liking to be the bearer of bad news to her friends.

"Why does that have to be the reason we aren't a friendship group? I thought you didn't work alone!" Biana pleaded.

"I wish it was so simple, but times have changed. My options as to how I work are kinda limited to what the other Councillors want me to do now." Sophie pinched the bridge of her nose.

Keefe slunk up next to Sophie, "Foster, don't murder me for saying this, but I think its a good idea." He placed a hand on her shoulder, Sophie didn't say anything.

"I know you don't think its as easy as we are saying it is Sophie, but seriously, we've missed you." Linh sat in between Marella and Tam, butting into the conversation.

"What about Fitz then?" Sophie challenged, crossing her arms. "I don't think anyone wants him here."

"Foster, we can put up with him, its worth it for getting this back." Keefe indicated towards the group, "Plus, its great fun to get on his nerves." He added the last part as a joke, but never the less, everyone else agreed in a heartbeat.

"I want to be a friendship group again, I really do, but..."

Sophie looked down.

"But, well I don't know, I'm in such a position of power now, I can finally make a difference. I really don't want to jeopardize that." Sophie turned to Keefe, saying it more to him than to the group, he seemed to notice.

"I'm sorry."

She whispered whilst looking at the ground, "I don't think I should stay..." She started towards the door, but Keefe grabbed her arm, "Foster...?"

"I'm sorry Keefe." She pulled from his grip and left.

Everyone stood in silence for a minute, mostly casting sympathetic glances at Keefe, even Tam looked sorry.

"I'm going after her." Keefe eventually mumbled, "I'm not just letting her go, I made that mistake once, I'm not doing it again."

He stormed out before anyone could argue.

Councillor, I love you - A Sokeefe fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now