Chapter 2

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Rain was dripping from his hair, his ice blue eyes were dull, his smile was fake and his jokes were awful, but it was him. Keefe Sencen.

"Hey, Foster."

Sophie stared at him for what seemed like forever, Keefe stared right back.

"It's you."

That was all she could seem to muster.

Keefe nodded, "Will you let me explain myself?"

Sophie realised that Keefe was standing there, watching her gawk at him like Daniel Radcliffe had just knocked on her door, whilst dripping wet from the rain and probably freezing to death.

"Come in." She stood aside and let him shake himself dry.

Once he had taken off his dripping cloak, he turned to look at her. The two stood like that for a minute, she just couldn't quite believe it was him. Keefe Sencen. And he was in her house.

"Do you want anything? Tea? Coffee? Elf shaped cookies?" She added the last part as a joke, and it worked. Keefe laughed, exactly as Sophie remembered he used to, and shook his head, "The great Sophie Foster hasn't completely forgotten about me." He winked at her, "I mean, how could you forget about this hair?"

Sophie giggled, and looked at him, "I missed you."

Keefe smiled, "I missed you too, Foster."

Sophie took a shaky breath, "Why did you leave? Where did you go? Why are you here?"

Keefe's smile faded, "You want to sit down?"

Sophie nodded, "Probably best."

She lead him to her not so humble living room, and patted the Sofa, indicating that he should sit. She sat opposite him and waited, somewhat nervous to hear his story.

Keefe settled and looked at her, "Alright, here's the thing." He took a deep breath, "You left us."

Sophie stared at him baffled, "That was you, not me..." She started.

"No Sophie, that was you." He pulled on his tunic sleeve, "I was a lost cause without you, if I'm being perfectly honest." Keefe laughed as if ridiculing his old self, "Fitz wasn't in the picture anymore, so I had lost my best friend, Biana and Tam got married, Dex and Stina were engaged at the time, I hear they're married now but that's not the point, and Marella and Linh were partners. You and me were the only ones left, Foster."

Keefe watched her, as she processed what he'd said, and then continued.

"Each day I saw you grow more distant, I knew it was because of the matchmaking thing and I wanted to talk to you about it, but you shut me out. You shut everyone out. Foster, you thought no one was there but... I was always there. It was me and you, it always will be me and you, but it seems I was the only one who saw that."

Keefe ran a hand through his now dried hair, and took another shaky breath.

"I guess there is no point in not telling you that I loved you with every fibre of my being, while we're being honest. I would have done anything to be with you, even if that meant being deemed a bad match the rest of my life I was fine with it. You know why? Because I loved you, Sophie Foster. But you couldn't see that, and I tried so many times to let you know that I was still there, but I always chickened out of telling you and backed down, until one day it was too late."

Keefe looked at Sophie, who's brown eyes were wide.

"You left, you became a Councillor, we had lost you completely. I hated myself that day onwards, I should have just manned up and told you but I was too scared. Anyway, I hung out with the others for a bit, but it wasn't exactly the best life to be living. Whenever I hung out with anyone I would be totally and completely third wheeling and I was tired of it. I told myself to get a girlfriend or something but I only had eyes for you, so I left."

Keefe paused and looked down in shame, "I shouldn't have. I told myself I was doing it so I wouldn't be near you, and I could finally move on and have a normal life. It sounded amazing, but I couldn't. Sophie, I never stopped loving you, so I came back."

Councillor, I love you - A Sokeefe fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now