Chapter 7

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"You guys I'm going to get food for everyone, I'll be back in a moment." Sophie smiled as they nodded.

She left the room and shut the door behind her, inhaling deeply as their voices muffled and everything went quiet and calm.

Smiling, she marched downstairs to the kitchen, before leaning against a counter, giving herself the opportunity to mentally recharge.

"You and your friends seem to be having a lot of fun." Edaline entered after her and leaned against the doorway.

Sophie smiled, hoping to avoid the conversation she suspected was coming, "Yeah. It's been great catching up."

Edaline moved over to stand beside her.

"I didn't think you would want Grady to be part of this conversation, plus he is completely oblivious anyway, but you and Keefe..."

Sophie groaned, "Called it." She mumbled, Edaline laughed.

"Sweetheart, in all seriousness, I'm your mom and I'm here for you. I know you're a lot older now, you're a working adult for God's sake, but please talk to me."

Sophie sighed and moved over to the fridge, gathering cokes for each of her friends, before saying, "Me and Keefe are dating, if that's the correct way to put it. We're just secret, the council can't find out or they'll kick me off."

Edaline nodded slowly, "I thought that was the case. Sophie, if you want my advice, you are going to have to choose one or the other. Sweetie, do you really think this is going to last? Do you really think that for however many years you stay on the Council for, no one is going to find out about Keefe? And do you really think that Keefe will be content with this arrangement in a year, 2 years, 10 years...?" Edaline looked at her, and Sophie knew she was right.

"I thought being on the council was all I wanted." Sophie buried her head in her hands before continuing, "I never realised it would be this hard. God, how did Kenric and Oralie do it?"

Sophie cringed at the thought of her 'co-councillor' and biological mother, she did her best to avoid her.

Edaline moved over and pulled her into a hug, "I hope you know that whatever you choose, I will support you in. It's your decision to make and yours alone, so I won't try and pressure you into doing something you don't want to do, but you can't keep this up, Sophie."

Sophie fell into the hug, it felt like so long since she had let Edaline comfort her like this, she could get used to it.

"Why does this all have to be so confusing?" Sophie laughed and pulled away.

"Couldn't tell you." Edaline rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, mom, this really helped a lot. And, please don't tell Grady? Not until I've made my decision?"

Edaline tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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