Chapter 14

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~I'm sorry this is so short but i wanted to get it out of the way and post something on christmas, so merry christmas everyone! enjoy :)~

"You wanna adopt?" We exclaim, staring at them. We're sitting at the food court and talking. I can't believe how much has changed. We've really really been able to connect. I've missed these girls.

"Well, yeah. We couldn't have kids, ironic, I know, but we really wanna have some, we'll need parenting tips though. We're going next week to see some kids." Sunset says.

Ironic, cause they are the two eggheads who developed the medical thing to let two girls have a kid together. Autumn is literally a medical miracle, thanks to these two.

"Having a kid is...a little tiring, but it's worth it in the end." Fluttershy says.

"Yeah. You two would be great parents!" Pinkie says enthusiastically. I still can't believe she's a mom. Pinkie Pie, who would never grow up, is a mom to an 18 year old. Just, wow.

"Hey Rarity, planning on settling down anytime soon?" Twilight asks her.

"Yeah Rare. Still waiting for prince charming?" I joke.

"Darling, I'm so much better on my own now. I simply have no time for that! My business is booming. If I could have gotten married to my clothes, I would. I'm sure if it was meant to be, it would have happened by now." She finishes.

"Wow, Rare. You've grown up." Sunset says.

"We all have, dear."

We sit in silence, mourning the years that have gone by, the years wasted while we lived our own individual lives.

"I'm going to see AJ." I stand up.

"Ooooo, looks like someone misses her girlfriend. Or wife, since you two never actually divorced." Sunset says.

"I'm making the most of it before she remembers." I reply, walking away.

I reach the room and knock.

"Come in." I hear her voice.

I walk in and smile at her. "Hey, AJ. I missed you." I kiss her on the cheek.

She stares at me. Did I do something wrong?

"What the hay are you doing here?"

"What? AJ I've been here for the past week what do you mean?"

"I mean what are you doing here? I haven't seen ya for 18 years and you suddenly show up? The doctor told me I had memory loss. I had an accident. Fine. But what are you doing here? Where's my daughter? What's happened?" She demands.

My face falls. She remembers. "I'll... I'll go get... our...your...daughter."

I walk out of the room. My heart is shattered. I hoped she would remember the past week at least. I hoped wouldn't be like this. But here we go.

I ring Autumn. "Hey kiddoe. She remembered. She doesn't want to see me. No, she doesn't remember anything from the past week. She's been asking for you. Me? No she still hates me. You should come up. She wants to see you. Yeah, I'm fine. Yes I'm sure. I'll see you soon. Love you." I hang up. I go back down to the food court. They see me coming and make space for me. I sit down and put my head on the table immediately.

"Dash, you okay?" I hear Sunset ask.

"She remembered." I mumble.


"She remembered." I say louder.

"Darling you'll have to speak up, none of us can hear you." Rarity says.

"She remembered!" I yell at them. "She remembered and she hates me again." My voice breaks.

"Oh, Dash. She doesn't remember anything from the past week?"

"No. She totally and completely hates me. I'm gonna have to go back to never seeing her again. I mean, how rare does this kind of opportunity come around? I'm just gonna have to live with it. At least I got to see her." I try to act as if it's no big deal.

"Dash, we're not letting this go. You two are meant to be. We're gonna show her. Come on, get up." Sunset says, standing up. The rest follow suit.

"It's a lost cause, guys. Don't bother."

"We're doing this, and it's final. Get up, Dash."

There's no stopping these girls. I sigh and get up, if not they'll carry me up, it's happened before. That was not a good experience.

We reach outside the room and hear voices. Twilight knocks on the door. We hear footsteps, before Lil' Cheese opens the door. She sees that it's us, then steps out and closes the door.

"Hey. It's...not going so well. Autumn is trying to convince her to let you all stay but...Aunt AJ is stubborn. Autumn's stubborn too, like mother like daughter, but it's becoming a bit of a screaming match in there." She says, nodding towards the room where we can now hear shouts.

"Thanks, sweetie. We can take it from here." Pinkie says.

"I don't think you can do anything right now to stop it, but be my guest." She says, opening the door and walking back in. We follow right behind her.

Sure enough, they're having a mother daughter shouting match.

"She should stay! She's my mom too!"

"Your mom?! I'm your mom! You may have her DNA in you but I'm the one who raised you! Have you forgotten that?"

"Of course I haven't! Everyday in school teachers coming up to me and telling me how brave and courageous my mom is to raise a kid on her own when you don't even know me at all! You didn't let me see my own mom for 18 years, my whole fricking life, just because of one small mistake 20 years ago! Yes, she messed up, but she didn't mean it. It doesn't give you a good reason to keep me from meeting her my whole life! I know it hurt you, and that's okay, mom. But you need to give her a chance, if not for me, for you. Please." She says. She's sticking up for me. I feel tears start to gather. I want to walk up to hug her, but I don't want to make it worse. She does it for me. She walks over and gives me a good, long, hug. We've waited long enough. She lets go and looks at AJ.

The apprehension in the air is thick.

"You have one week to prove you've changed. If not, you will leave." AJ finally says. We all breathe a visible sigh of relief.

Autumn runs to her and gives her a hug. "Thank you, mom."

AJ sighs and gives her a tired smile. "I hope I don't regret this."

"You won't." Autumn replies confidently.

I'm about to walk forward to her, but I hesitate. I feel a few pairs of hands push me forward and I fall onto her bed. Thanks, guys. Very helpful.

I reach out my arms for a hug. She rolls her eyes, before nodding. I hug her and they all cheer. It's a start.

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