Prologue: Y/N Or Beast?

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So... How am I going to explain this to dad?

After being taken to a new world by some box, I couldn't help but ask myself...

How did this happen?

???: "Y/N...! I'm back!" A feminine voice calls out to me, and I recognize it immediately.

The feminine voice appears from a bush in a lean, tall figure with wild brown hair that housed twigs and leaves, a tattered school shirt with the letters 'SJMS' hugged to her body, but matched well with her also tattered skirt.

This was Anne Boonchuy, a classmate of mine.

And at one point, my significant other.

But we don't talk about that.

Anne tried to gaze into my eyes as she walked closer to me, seeing my attempt at calling back home fail.

Y/N: "We're stuck here... For good... I don't have any service at all." I speak, slightly wincing as I touched the small cut that rested on my S/C face.

My favorite black hoodie and pants were also dirty, as I could feel the mud from inside the fabric touching my skin, making me uncomfortable.

- A Few Minutes Later -

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Anne speaks up.

Anne: "Maybe... We're in the Bermuda Triangle!" Anne says as she waves her hands in front of her face, attempting to lighten the mood.

Y/N: "There's no way you believe in that stuff." Y/N rolls his eyes. "Then again, you're Anne."

Anne gets slightly offended.

Anne: "Hey...! What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, as Y/N looks at his phone for a few moments before becoming frustrated and answering Anne.

Y/N: "Nothing at all... I hope this is what you wanted from that little 'treasure chest.' Now, we have no way of getting back home!" He exclaims, but Anne quickly verbally retaliates.

Anne: "Don't worry! We'll get back home in like, no time! Y/N, our differences mean nothing now if we want to survive-"

Y/N: "No. Not at all. We're still missing Marcy and Sasha. And for all we know, I could be the next one missing. Not taking that chance." He responds, causing Anne to fix a face of annoyance.

Anne: "...So what do we plan on doing here? We can't just stay here! We need to move dude!"

"Moving is what's going to get us in trouble! C'mon, I know you saw that giant mantis earlier!" Y/N exclaims.

Anne realizes that she can't convince Y/N, not in the current state he's in. He turns his back against her and attempts to at least get a signal on his phone.

"F-Fine. Then I guess I'll have to ask someone else for help." She says. This causes Y/N's lip to curl in anger.

"What do you mean... 'Someone else...?''' But Anne doesn't respond, by the time Y/N turns back around...

She's gone.

"Jesus Anne... Where did you run off to?" He wonders to himself, going into a possible direction of the forest she could've gone.

During this time, he realized that maybe he was a bit too harsh on Anne. Even though they might not have had the best relationship in the world, he didn't need to act the way he did...

Y/N: "And now, I drove her off. Just great, Y/N, just great..." He continues, running into a secluded area, he realized that he would need to arm himself just in case the mantis they encountered earlier appears.

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