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(This is fucking beautiful. Also, reminder, everyone that was like Luz's age in the show is now 18 or older, including herself and Amity. Just wanted to throw that out there bc some things are about to happen.)

3rd person

"Good job, human. You have proved your worth to me. I won't kill you just yet." Belos smirks beneath his mask as he watches Luz walk into the room, using the magic gloves Belos had given her a while back to make Eda, Lilith and Amity float in the air.

"You have figured out how to use the gloves. You are smarter than I thought." Luz gets on one knee, bowing to the Emperor.

"Yes, my lord." Luz stares at the ground, the women behind her unmoving in their personal bubbles.

"Bring them to the cells. I shall deal with them later."

Luz nods her head and walks out of the room and downstairs to the cells, just as Belos had asked her to.

The guards nod to her as they open one big cell, allowing Luz to place them inside.

The guards close the door behind Luz as she walks off, back in the direction of Emperor Belos, her mouth curled into a frown.

Something just felt.. wrong with how she just threw those women in there. What had they done wrong to deserve that?

Luz shrugs it off. She must follow her Emperor's orders. No questions.

"There you are. I have a surprise for you," Belos says as Luz steps in front of him. "I think you'll like it. After you left I had my guards grab the youngest from the cell. I'd like you to talk with her."

Luz nods, stopping beside Belos as he opens a big, metal door for Luz to enter.

"Take as long as you need."

Without saying another word, Luz walks into the room, her eyes immediately focusing on the struggling young woman.

"Luz? Luz! Help me out of here!" Amity begs, straining against the ropes that hold her in place against the chair placed in the middle of the room.

"Why?" Is all Luz says. Amity stops moving and looks Luz in the eyes. Well, as best as she could do to the mask.

"Why what? Did I do something wrong?" Luz shakes her head as she stands in front of Amity.

"Why did you leave me?" Amity furrows her eyebrows in both concern and confusion. "You told me to leave."

"No, not that! Before I left here! You left me! All alone! You left me with Belos. You ran away. Do you know what he did to me?" Luz yells, averting her eyes away from Amity's gaze.

"What-" Amity's eyes widen as realization hits her. "What did he do to you?"

"You wouldn't understand." Luz turns away from Amity completely. "Yes, I would." Luz whips around to face her once again, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "No you wouldn't! You don't even know what happened after I went back! That's why I kept everything from you! You wouldn't understand, you never would!" Luz lashes out, a few tears straying away from her eyes and slowly dripping down her cheeks.

Amity knew she probably would never know what really happened after she ran. Honestly, she couldn't even remember why she ran away from Belos as a child. And why she left Luz with him more specifically.

"I'm sorry." Amity looks down at her lap as Luz takes a step closer to her.

"You're sorry?" Luz laughs manically, running her hands through her hair harshly. "You think that fixes everything, don't you? Well, news flash, Blight. It. Doesn't."

"I can't believe you." Luz steps back, running her hands through her hair once again, but more careful. She takes a deep breath, regaining her posture.

"I'll be back." With that, Luz walks out of the dark room.

A tear falls down Amity's cheek.

What had Belos done with the Luz she knows?

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