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These next few chapters are kinda going to be a whirlwind of emotions so buckle up.

3rd person:

Four coven guards emerge from the bushes, their staffs raised and pointing at Luz.

"Put your hands up, now! You're under arrest and you will be sent back to the Emperor!"

Luz's eyes go wide, and she can't move. 

Two guards advance, trapping both Willow and Amity so they can't help her.

The third guard traps Luz, lifting her in the air so the tips of her shoes are brushing the ground.

The guard sighs, drawing an unknown spell circle, casting in on Luz. "Luz Noceda, you have a choice to make. Either you bring yourself in and your girlfriend and your other friend will be let go, or you refuse arrest and we take them instead of you."

Amity knew what Luz would choose. She knew all to well.

"Luz, no. You can't!" The guard holding Luz turns around, showing Luz's not brown- but black eyes.

Amity's eyes spring open in surprise, her throat goes dry.

She'd never seen this spell before, but she knew it couldn't be good.

"Take me," Luz's monotone voice says, her head tilted to the side as she stares at Amity, unblinking.

The lead guard nods, and motions for the guard holding Luz to follow.

After a few minutes, the other two guards release Willow and Amity, and one of them teleports away, while the other stays.

Amity holds a fistful of fire in her hand, putting it in their face threateningly. The last guard puts their hands up defensively.

"Wait! I'm not going to hurt you! I don't even like Belos anyways."

Amity's eyes widen, and Willow's do too.

"What do you mean?" Amity asks, the fire in her hand disappearing.

"You heard me. I'm not loyal to the Emperor. And I can help you get Luz back. And defeat him," the guard says, lowering her hands.

Amity glances at Willow, who shrugs.

"Take your mask off first," Amity demands.

The guard slowly reaches up to their hood, pulling it off. Lowering their hands to their mask, they take that off too.

Amity gasps, and Willow's eyes widen once again. 

"A basilisk," Willow mumbles.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Amity asks, her eyebrows furrowed in curiousity.

The basilisk shrugs in response, transforming into Luz.

"You can't," she replies, a small smile on her face. Not an evil one, but a genuine smile.

"Amity, she could be a big help. She can transform into anyone," Willow says, looking at Amity

Amity sighs and nods, sticking her hand out for the basilisk to shake.

"So what's your name?" Amity asks as she takes her hand.

"The name's Vee."

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now