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More absolutely beautiful artwork.

3rd person:

Amity hadn't stopped, at all. She was out of breath and panting, but she needed to get Lucia to the infirmary before the wound on her head got bad.

She was just a few more steps away when the door opens, revealing Boscha, and Emperor Belos.

"What are you doing with Lucia?" He asks, venom lacing his voice. "K-Kilow."

Belos sighs and nods his head once in acknowledgement, and steps aside for Amity to pass.

Luckily, the witch from the healing coven was standing almost right outside the door, and Amity hands her Lucia, and walks out of the room.

"So what really happened?" Boscha asks. Belos had left, and it was just the two of them.

Amity shrugs, shaking her head a bit. "You'll have to ask Lucia that." Boscha nods and mumbles a quiet 'Okay'.

The two sit outside of the infirmary, waiting for any word about Lucia.

Amity didn't think the bleeding on her head was that bad. But she also wasn't a healer. Or a doctor, as Luz had said many years ago.

The door finally opens, and the two witches sitting outside spring up and face the healer.

"She'll be okay. The bleeding in her head wasn't major." Amity nods, and Boscha gives a sigh of relief.

"But it seems she hasn't been eating. At all." 

Boscha's eyebrows furrow in concern as the healer continues. "One of you can see her now. If only I got a bigger room..." Boscha looks at Amity, and smiles. "Go ahead. I'll see her later."

Amity nods a thank you, and slips past the healer and into the room.

"Why the fuck does this keep happening?" Amity hears Lucia say as she walks into the main part of the room.

"I'm sorry.. I wish I could stop it from happening.." Amity looks at the floor, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"Oh, no it's not your fault." Luz's voice is soft, and Amity is thankful, but she shakes her head. "But it is. If you hadn't had protected me from him the first time, he wouldn't be coming after you right now. And you wouldn't be here."

Amity finally looks up, and Lucia shrugs. "It's okay, really. This is nothing compared to what I'm used to."

Amity's eyes widen. "W-What you're used to?" Lucia nods. "Yeah, this is actually a relief," Lucia chuckles a bit.

"I'm sorry. About everything... Stabbing you.. Making your life a living hell."

"My life was a living hell when I left you..." Lucia mumbles, barely enough for Amity to catch a few words. "What?"

Lucia's face turns crimson and she shakes her head vigorously. "N-Nothing. Never mind."

Amity sighs. "I better get going. Boscha wants to see you as well."

Lucia shakes her head no, and stands up. "No, I'll just go see her myself." Lucia walks out of the room, Amity following.

From behind, Amity can see Lucia's ears. And they look... duller? The tip of her ear isn't as sharp as it used to be. Like a used pencil.

"Oh, hey Luz-cia!" Boscha says, waving at her before engulfing her in a hug.

Lucia hugs back, wrapping her arms around Boscha's torso.

Boscha smirks as she pulls away, resting her hands on Lucia's shoulders.

"You two better get some sleep for your mission tomorrow."

The mission. Both of them had totally forgotten.

Both of them totally weren't looking up to it.

Lucia nods her head, her throat now dry. Amity would try to capture Eda. Lucia knew it.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Boscha." Lucia smiles at Boscha, and turns to face Amity, bowing. "And Miss Blight."

Amity scoffs, her concern from earlier worn off. "If you 'outrank' Kilow. Why are you bowing to me?"

Lucia shrugs, standing up. "Because I still have respect for you, querida." Lucia gives Amity a small smile, and walks away.

Boscha's jaw falls onto the floor. She knew what that meant.

Boscha laughs, holding her stomach. "Oh, Amity."

Still laughing, Boscha walks away, leaving a confused Amity alone.

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now