Where's Vee?

503 13 21

3rd person

Everything hurts. 

Luz groans as pain radiates through her body, getting worse every time she moves.

"I see you're finally awake," Belos's voice says as he steps in front of her. 

"What did you do to me?" Luz asks, propping her head against the large metal wall behind her.

"I haven't done anything. I was waiting until you woke up. I want you to feel as much pain as possible."

Luz laughs in response. "Yeah, right."

Belos chuckles in amusement as he draws a spell circle with his finger.

Luz laughter is cut short as her throat burns. Like she swallowed fire.

Belos watches Luz writhe in pain on the floor, and beneath his mask a smirk rests on his ugly ass face. 

(I had to put that but if you want me to remove it I can 😂)

Belos removes the spell and Luz falls limp on the ground, her chest heaving.

"That was just practice. I hope you're used to pain, human."

Belos draws another spell circle. A sleep spell.

With that, the Emperor leaves the room.


Amity ran all the way back to the Owl House, knocking quickly before the door swings open.

"Kid? Where's Luz? I thought you said you'd come back with her."

Amity takes a deep breath, tears stinging her eyes.

"The Emperor was controlling Luz, and we were fighting. Then she randomly stopped and he let her go, then she told me to run and I did and now Belos is probably going to kill her and it's all my fault but I love her so much-" Eda covers Amity's mouth, stopping her mid-sentence.

"Slow down. You said Belos was controlling Luz?" Amity nods her head vigorously in response, catching her breath.

"How.." Eda stops, and her eyes widen. "Potions. He's using potions to control her."

"Yeah? So?"

"Look, I know you two just started dating, but-"

"We aren't dating," Amity deadpans.

"Yet. Anyways, I know the potion he's using. The only way to snap her out of it is to kiss her."

"Like in the books?"

Eda nods, a serious look on her face. "I'm not even kidding. You have to distract her, and that's the easiest way to do so."

Amity shrugs, her breathing had now gone back to normal and she was calmer. "Okay, easy enough."

"It would be if Belos weren't controlling her. You cannot forget that. He will try to kill you."

Amity nods, deep in thought. 

"I have a plan. Where's Vee?"

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now