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Baby Boscha

3rd Person:

Walking through the halls with Kikimora was hilarious, to say the least.

Whenever she would ask a question, Luz had to stop and bend down in order to hear her.

"We're here," Kikimora says, stopping in front of a massive set of doors.

"Thank you, Kikimora." Luz bows, and opens one of the massive doors, and walks in.

"Ah. There you are, Lucia. I called you here for a very important reason. Sit down."

Luz did as told, and she takes a seat right in front of the Emperor, crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap.

"I would like to promote you to my 2nd-in-command."

Luz's eyes go wide, and her heart drops.

Could she really be 2nd-in-command when her loyalty doesn't even lie behind the Emperor? She could try.

"What do you say?" He asks, his deep voice echoing around the walls of the room.

"I would love to."

The blue eye from the broken side of the masks becomes brighter, and two gloves appear.

"These gloves will strengthen your magic, and allow you to perform even the most powerful spells with wasting barely any energy. You will be just as powerful as me."

Luz nods in and takes the gloves, slipping them onto her fingers.

Belos chuckles. "I trust you will be a great addition in the high ranks."

"Thank you."

"You best be getting back to your training. I will have some guards move your items from your current room to a bigger one. Amity will show you were it is after training."

"Amity?" The word slips out of Luz's mouth so quickly she couldn't stop it.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Luz shakes her head. "No, sorry. Just surprised a bit. Thank you again, Emperor Belos." Luz bows, and walks towards the door.

"Don't tell anyone about this. I want them to figure out on their own."

Luz nods before walking out of the room, and towards the training room.

A Human In The Emperor's CovenWhere stories live. Discover now