Beta Read (Fuegoleon x Nozel)

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Hello Reader,

This is a beta release of a WIP Fuegoleon x Nozel series I am working on. I would appreciate any feedback in terms of plot, pacing, and consistency to help improve the overall readability and depth of my writing.

Thank you,

Once the mahogany door clicked closed, Nozel huffed out a long-held sigh.

"Honestly, I was almost certain those missionaries would never leave. Can they not understand that the church and state operate—"

"May I kiss you?" Fuegoleon quickly interrupted, hovering but a step away from where Nozel was standing.

"Um, sure..."

One second later a greedy tongue was practically down his throat, and his back pressed flat, flush to the mahogany door. It rattled violently against the hinges upon impact. Nozel's eyes were wide and his body trembled as fingers raked across his waist to behind him.  The sound of a lock clicking into place sent shivers down the Silva's spine. His lavender eyes were practically the size of saucers as half-lidded violet eyes flicked to gaze willfully at the Silva. There was something venomous, almost intimidating that gleamed in those violet irises. It made his heart tremor while all the while provoked his curiosity to know what that unnamed feeling was.

The Vermillion's eyes narrowed as his tongue flicked the Silva's flaccid one tautly. Nozel understood the non-verbal command and his eyes glided shut as he melted into the kiss, allowing his mind and muscles to turn to mush as he let Fuegoleon take control.

It felt liberating and endearing and so many other things that Nozel could not fathom into words despite his eloquence.  As Fuegoleon slotted their mouths together, intertwining their tongues in a fervid dance, Nozel's hands roamed to grip at the fabric of his forearm and Fuegoleon's to wrap around the Silva's slender waist, drawing him in further, deepening the kiss.

His tongue made the Silva see stars and his knees quiver, hands moving to rest upon broad shoulders and fist fabric of the crimson squad robe for support. It scraped against his cheek, the roof of his mouth, individually outlining the bumps and ridges of his teeth before returning to tangle with the Silva's and repeat the process which made Nozel melt like pure fondue.

To smell, to taste, to touch, to savor the Vermillion was exquisite. It felt like pure heaven, as though he was on cloud nine. He wanted it never to end. But sadly all good things must come to an end, and as quickly as it started, it stopped.

Nozel found himself suppressing the urge to chase after the Vermillion's lips as he pulled away, a thin string of saliva connecting their lips, and a moan of discontentment escaping the Silva.

He was irritated and dazed. His mouth was agape and lavender eyes half-lidded, staring blankly at his lover's chest. He wanted more. He wanted so much more than what he was given. He wanted to be greedy and selfish, and keep the Vermillion all for himself. He didn't want to watch him socialize with their colleagues or dignitaries. He didn't want random admirers to speak to him. Nozel probably wouldn't even deny that he would be satiated if Fuegoleon cut all family ties and they eloped to a remote location together. Nozel wanted him more than he would ever know, and he would guard that notion till the very day he perished.

A quick peck on the cheek and a squeeze of the waist prompted Nozel's attention.

"Everything alright, darling?" Fuegoleon asked, his calloused hands traveling to rest at the Silva's hips, and a naive expression splayed across his features, as though he had not just kissed the Silva breathless.

Nozel merely rolled eyes at the remark.

"You know I hate the pet names, Vermillion," Nozel chided, pushing the Vermillion's hands from his hips and turning his head towards the opposite wall, still caged between Fuegoleon and the locked door.

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