Chapter 10: Here we go again

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The siren silenced, and I groaned. Rubbing my eyes, I looked at Phil.

"I need coffee for this." I gritted.

"You hate coffee. And you're pregnant."

I rolled my eyes and got off the bed, "You know it's just a rumor that coffee affects the pregnancy."
I looked back at him, "I don't hate coffee. I just prefer tea."

"So, do I come too or is it just you two."

"Well, technically, you are a level 6 agent. And you are our daughter. You can come along if you want."
I heard Phil say as I went to prepare a pot of coffee.

Going back to the room, I saw Daisy sitting on the bed, already dressed and Phil in the bathroom.

"Uhm, Daisy? You mind sitting outside? I need to change and take a shower."

"Why do you- Oh, okay. Yeah, I definitely don't mind." She rushed out the door.

I slipped out of my clothes and walked to the bathroom. Slipping in the shower with Phil so its faster. We quickly cleaned up and got dressed into our work attire.

We were greeted by the scent of coffee, as we entered the kitchen.

I picked my mug up, "Thanks, Daisy."

"No problem."

We walked to the lounge area, scanning our badges at the entrance.

"Agent May. Agent Coulson. Agent May- Coulson."

"Mace." I nodded.

"We have located the uncle of Ghost Rider. An Eli Morrow. We believe that he holds the true location of Ghost Rider. We have a warrant to transfer him into SHIELD custody." He looked at us, "Agent May. Agent Coulson, you both will be in-charge of the paperwork." I groaned, "All other agents, be on standby for backup. FitzSimmons, I need you to work on an antidote for the ghost virus."

"Get ready."

"Uhm, what about Layla?" Phil asked.

"Is she a trained agent?" Mace raised an eyebrow.

"She's a Level 6 agent. Trained in combat and computer science." I smiled, "I trained her."

"Then, you'll lead the backup team." He looked at Daisy and she nodded.

"We'll leave in 3 hours. Get ready. Bring what you need." He nodded, "If you have time, rest."

We left the Lounge and headed to our room, Daisy was getting ready in her room, and me and Phil were standing in our room in silence.

"You okay?" Phil asked as I slowly sat down on the bed. I let my head fall on his shoulder, "You seem off lately."

"I,- you know I've been have more nightmares. They get more real each time. It always ends with me looking for you but not finding you, instead I find someone from our past. Ward. I find him in Lola. Driving towards me. I know what's happening and want to walk away but can't. I,-" I take a deep breath, " It's like being trapped in a fake reality." Phil rubbed my back.

"Oh, Mel. Come here." I fell into his touch and sighed.

"I can't sleep anymore. And I feel like all my thoughts become one when I try to. Since Thursday."

"Do you want to talk to Simmons about it?"

"I should. But she's already busy with the director and Fitz."


Daisy entered our room and her eyes softened as she saw our state. I patted the space beside me for her to sit. She followed, "My sibling taking a toll on you guys?"

"Among other things, yeah. How are you doing?" I replied.

"It's nice to be home. To be with you guys again." She smiled, "I'm sorry I left." She whispered.

"Hey."  I looked at her, "Not your problem. We both know what SHIELD does to you. More than others."

"We should call Maria and my parents about you, Daisy."

"Wait, they don't know?"

"We didn't get time to call them after we found you."

"I'll start a conference call with all of them."

Phil set up the laptop in front of us, it rang. Maria picked up.

"Guys? Wassup?" She looked at us, "Why am I in a call with you parents?" She noticed the icon.

"Let's wait for them. Okay?" She nodded.

My parents answered, "You better have a reason to call us this early, Melinda."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, let's get it over with." I mumbled to myself, "We found Daisy."

"Hi!" Daisy added.

"An Maria. We saved the baby."

"Oh good." She grinned.

"What do you mean you saved the baby? What was wrong?" My dad asked.

I sighed and Phil answered, "It fell into coma after Melinda had," he paused, "an injury."

"And you didn't think of telling us this before?"

"We've been busy, mom. Plus it wasn't that long ago."

"Ay ay. Don't me mad at them, Lian. You weren't exactly staying out of harm when you were pregnant with Mellie."

I saw Daisy smirk as she heard the name, I rolled my eyes.

"So how's it going, Maria?"

Maria looked up from a file she had been on, "Uh, yeah. It's going. What about you, Lian? Still hate William as much as before?" She teased.

"Not funny, Maria. But I may have been getting easier on him lately."

She nodded, "Guys, I'm sorry. Nick wants - well probably needs - my help. I hate to cut this short, I really do. I'm glad my future godchild is fine. And I'm even glad that you guys found Daisy again."

"It's fine, Ari."

"Nice to see you again, Lay." She smiled and left.

I felt Daisy freeze at the name, "Hey, mom, Dad? We have a mission so we'll call you later."

"Bye, Melinda. Take Care."

"Bye, mom."

"Bye, Mellie. Love you." He nodded, "Bye, Phil."

"Bye, Mr. May."

"Bye, Dad. Love you."

We ended the call and I looked to Daisy. "She called you that when you were little. It probably slipped in the heat of the moment."

"I wasn't thinking about that." She replied and then smirked, "Mellie."

"Oh, shut up."

"You know, it's cute. The badass Melinda May is a sappy bear."


Phil cleared his throat, "Before this gets complicated, I'm gonna stop you. We have a mission. You guys ready?"

"I'm ready to kick some ass."

"It's paperwork, Mel."

"Your ass, Phil."

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