Chapter 1: Soaring

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A week. That's how long we've been in the air. That's how long we've had microwaved meals for. That's how long it's been since SHIELD has been ran by the government under a new director. Sighing, I put the Zephyr into autopilot. Walking out of the cockpit, to meet Phil in the kitchen for lunch and debrief with the new director. I frowned when I saw Phil sitting beside a pile of reports and a long forgotten meal.

"Phil?" He abruptly looked up and shook his head.

"Sorry, I,- Fitz sent some new sightings of an Asian-American female. Reporters state that it's the one from the news. Quake. Mace doesn't know of this. Fitz sent it through a secured channel." He slid the thick report over to me, "I'll heat up lunch."

I nodded and flipped through the thick report till I found the latest page.

Unknown gifted individual
Level 6 clearance needed
Known powers: Vibrations
Last Location: Chicago
Suspect was seen breaking out of a hospital by local police and witnesses

I sighed. Oh, Daisy. I rubbed my barely there baby bump. The baby was starting to kick a little. I rubbed circles till Phil handed me a salad bowl and a cup of tea. I smiled and took a bite.

Suddenly, the screen started ringing and we answered.

"Director Mace." I nodded along.

"Agent Coulson." He looked at me and slightly smiled, "Agent Coulson.

I scoffed to myself, "It's Agent May." I stated, "Sir."

He ignored my comment and continued, "I need you two back for a new mission. We don't need the two best agents in the field looking for Ghost Rider. Level 2 agents can handle that."

"With all due respect, we think we found a possible lead. If you give us a few days to follow it. You wont be disappointed." Phil argued.

"Agent May?" He looked at me.

"We have a lead. And I'm sure your Level two agents can handle this. But they don't have the experience. With all due respect, I'm not in favour of handing our week worth of work to newbie agents just because you needed us for something better." I stoically spoke.

"Very well." He nodded, "I'll give you a week."

"Thank you." We ended the call and sighed.

"We have to find her." I stated, "Soon. We can't,- I can't do this for that long."

"Yeah, I know." He smiled, "One week. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Phil."

"I know. But I can certainly try."

I nodded, "He gave us a week to find Ghost Rider. We also need to find him then." We didn't tell the Director about Daisy. Nobody did. To him, Quake was an orphaned vigilante. A threat to SHIELD. Just a thing that had to be put down. He doesn't know who she is, what she means to us. Hell, the director doesn't even know about the baby. Only us, my parents, Maria, Daisy and FitzSimmons do.

"Well, think of it like this: We know Daisy is looking for him, or her. So we probably would find both of them."

I sighed as I finished my salad and put the empty dish in the sink. "I'll be in the cockpit if you need me."

I walked back to the cockpit, the Zephyr had become a second home for us. I'll always miss The bus though. I set the new coordinates and let the aircraft turn directions. We were headed to Chicago. Where Daisy, and possibly Ghost Rider, were.

Landing the Zephyr in an empty field outside the city, where she was seen. Driving a SHIELD issued vehicle into the city, I felt Phil's gaze on me.

"You can talk, you know."

"I know."

"When we find her, what if she doesn't want to come with us?" Phil whispered, "We, of all people, know what one would do after loosing someone they loved."

I took a deep breath, "We, of all people, know that everyone needs someone to pull them out of their misery after something like that. We have to be that somebody for Daisy."

Phil nodded, "Oh, and Simmons called," I raised an eyebrow, "about the baby." I sighed, "She asked us to come in for a checkup. We can find out the sex if you want to."

"The sex? Don't we already know how or what that was?" I teased.

"Haha. Whatever. The gender. So we can get clothes and stuff. But it's totally up to you. If you don't want to find out, we can wait." He lent over to kiss my cheek, "Totally up to you."

"I'm fine with finding out the sex if you are. What would you like it to be?"

"All genders are equal, Mel."

"Yeah, I know, but which one would you prefer?"

"Honestly? A girl."

"Me too." I smiled. Me too.

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