Chapter : 3 : I'd do anything for ya !

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Not a lot of people know this, but Mammon was the most brightest person between the 7 brothers.

He was always the one smiling, even when something sad happened. Even back in the Celestial Realm, he always made sure to smile for his brothers, to let them know that he was always there for them.

He was the first brother that followed Lucifer, the first one to agree with the rebellion. Once they all fell and lost Lilith, he was the only one who held himself together when all his brothers were grieving for her.

Sure, he too was also grieving, but he had to pull himself together for his brothers. Always made sure that his brothers were his top priority.

So, why were they yelling at him that he never amounted to anything? Yelling that he did was create trouble instead of helping.

Why were they acting like that what he did for them never happened?

"Seriously, Mammon! Why did you break my new perfume?! Someone gave it to me as a gift!" Amsodeus exclaims out angrily.

"I didn't mean to! I was just taking it away from ya because—"

"Oh of course! The scummy Avator of Greed is back at it again, stealing his brother's items!" Leviathan exclaims out angrily, both anger and sarcasm heard from it.

"You even stole the package I had and got rid of it! It was a new game and I wasted my money on it!" Levi angrily said.

"I had to! Otherwise—"

"Save it, Mammon. You always cause problems for us, just because you can't control your greed. You've inconvenienced us more and more every passing day." Satan sternly states, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks at Mammon.

"Yeah, you're scum. I can't believe you're the second born." Belphegor spat out coldly, Beelzebub beside him who stayed quiet, not wanting to join in.

Mammon was glad that Beelzebub never joined in such comments, but he knew that his younger brother held distaste for him.

He knew Beelzebub felt the same as them, he could see the slight displeasure he has whenever Mammon got in trouble.

"Must you always inconvenience us, Mammon? Even back in the Celestial Realm, you'd get in trouble with Michael when you never finished your reports." Lucifer pipes up. A frown of disappointment plastered on his face.

"Those reports weren't important! They didn't matter because—" Mammon tries to explain, wanting them to understand.

"Oh stop with the excuses already!" Leviathan shouts angrily as he makes his way towards Mammon.

"You're always like this! You've never done anything to help us! You only care about yourself! Always causing trouble to satisfy your own needs! You never cared about us!" Leviathan shouts angrily as he points a finger against Mammon's chest.

He clenched his fists, trying to calm himself down. He never once complained whenever he got hurt, when they fell from grace and got his wings burned and tainted, when Lucifer spent all his attention towards Diavolo rather than his own family.

How could they say that Mammon never did anything for them, when that's all he did his whole life?

"I'll admit. I'm scum and always causing trouble.." Mammon starts as he speaks through clenched teeth.

"But, don't ya dare say I never did anything for ya all." Mammon said as he looked at Leviathan with angered eyes.

"Don't ya dare say I never prioritized ya all, never cared for ya, never sacrificed myself for ya!" Mammon exclaims out angrily.

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