Chapter : 2 : The Brightest ( part-1 )

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Diavolo woke up with a light flutter of his eyelids opening, a soft yawn escaping his lips as his eyes were met with the usual decoration of his bedroom ceiling. With a slight groan, he sat up and craned his neck backwards, cracking a joint in the process. His red hair tousled in his sleep, moving in all sort of directions.

Even the demon prince can't escape the grasps of bed hair, he can admit how his hair looked ridiculous every morning, especially when he sees it on the mirror. The silk sheets had slightly fell from his nude chest and onto his lap as he sat up straight, trying to get rid of any sleepiness he had.

A slight groan was heard beside him and he turned, only to find Mammon's peaceful sleeping face. A smile made it's way to his lips as he caresses his lover's cheek, the shorter male nuzzling closing to Diavolo's touch.

'How adorable.' He thought as he stroked Mammon's fluffy hair. His chest being enveloped by warmth he always felt about Mammon, he admits as to how he was greatly in love with the Avatar of Greed.

Golden eyes scanned over Mammon's body, his body clothed by Diavolo's dress shirt, which was loose around his whole form, but nonetheless it was an adorable fit. His chest filled with dark hickeys, bite marks clear on his collarbone and shoulders.

A sense of pride washed over Diavolo as he saw how Mammon was completely covered in his marks. He was positive the marking he had left on Mammon's inner thighs were clear as a night sky, practically showing off Mammon was claimed.

Diavolo was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock from his door, his head turning towards the door, his hand still stroking Mammon's hair.

"My Lord? It is Barbatos. May I enter?" Barbatos voice was heard, thought it was slightly muffled due to the doors.

"You may." Diavolo granted.

The doors were open and he sees Barbatos' form entering, pushing a tea cart with him. By now, Diavolo returned his focus back to Mammon, admiring his features. He loved how Mammon's bed hair was curled up in all sort of directions, it was adorably funny.

His mind was darts back to last night, Mammon's blue eyes filled with those pretty crystal like tears. His pretty moans, whines, and whimpers fueled Diavolo's arousal, he loved how the smaller male would squirm underneath him, desperate for his touches.

Everything about the white haired demon was perfect in his eyes, and he'd be damned if he let Mammon out of his grasps.

"Tea?" Barbatos' voice snaps Diavolo out of his trance.

"If you will." Diavolo replied back, smiling at Barbatos.

A small 'thank you' left Diavolo's lips as Barbatos handed him his tea. A contented sigh leaving his mouth as he felt the soothing liquid go down his throat, his body being warmed up by the tea's temperature.

"What's my schedule for today?" He asks the butler as he handed him the empty teacup. His back now leaning onto the soft pile of pillows behind him, his hand still stroking Mammon's hair.

"You have a meeting with Lucifer later this morning and a few reports needing to be looked over and approved of. Other than that, you are free for the rest of the day." Barbatos informs.

"All right. Make sure to keep my late afternoon free, I'd like to have a picnic with Mammon by the garden." Diavolo orders.

"Certainly." Barbatos replies back, a small soft smile adorning his features as he looks over to Mammon.

Diavolo catches Barbatos' eyes on Mammon, a smile crept up on Diavolo's lips as he stares at Mammon in adoration.

"How surprised Lucifer will be when he sees that you are in bed with his younger brother." Barbatos comments.

"Indeed, he's quite protective over his younger siblings. Even I can't stand in between that." Diavolo replies, an amused grin plastered on.

Barbatos lets out a small hum. "I can now imagine the surprise he'll get on his face once he hears that you've been with Mammon for millenniums of years." A small chuckle escaping his lips.

A chuckle also left Diavolo's lips, amused by Barbatos' comment. "I cannot help but fall for Mammon. Though, Lucifer's protectiveness may slightly terrify me, I wouldn't let Mammon slip from my grasps." He states, his fingers running through Mammon's snowy white hair.

"I still remember how I first met Mammon." Diavolo starts with a smile. "He was quite charming with a small baby Satan being cradled by him. The sight was a painting to be seen."

"When I first met Lucifer, I thought as to how incredibly beautiful he was. He still is, but I cannot deny that when I first met Mammon, he immediately blinded me by his presence." Diavolo slightly gushes, remembering seeing Mammon for the first time.

"It was like seeing a creature that has never existed before. A creature so rare and blinding to the eyes, that's how I felt when I saw Mammon." Diavolo explains, his lips softly being planted on Mammon's forehead.

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