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It was our last day in California, well, it wasn't really a full day. Our flight back to Minnesota left at noon so all of us were rushing to get our bags packed. We had all slept in after a long night of celebration. 

I was sitting on my bed, eyes half closed, with my suitcase full of unfolded clothes. I saw a flash go off and I looked over to see Connie, holding one of the disposable cameras that we were given when we first arrived, "Sorry, you just looked funny." 

I got off my bed, pulling my suitcase along with me, "Great. Now you've immortalized me." 

Connie winked at me, "Always." 

I pulled my suitcase to the hallway so it could join the others. Adam's door was open so I walked in and laid down on his bed. He wasn't on it so I had all right.

My face was pushed into my pillow so I didn't see when Adam had walked back in, "You know, you have your own room." 

I lifted my head up and put a finger to my lips, "Shhh. I will sleep where I wish." 

"Well, we have about," Adam checked the watch that was on his wrist, "Fifteen minutes before we have to go to the airport and Coach is here." 

I groaned and pushed my head back into the pillow, "I'm so tired." 

I felt Adam sit down on the bed, "Me too." I could just imagine him running his hand through his hair, which was probably what he was doing right now.

"Alright party people! Let's get those bags down to the vans! Up and at 'em." I could hear Gordon's voice announce from the hallway.

"I am not getting up." 

"C'mon, let's go Queens." 

I groaned again and swiped him away with my hand, then I felt his hands on my body as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, walking into the hallway. 

"What is Wren doing?" Gordon's voice asked. 

"Sleeping." I mumbled, my eyes still closed. 

"Wren, get off Adam's shoulder." 

"He's the one who put me on him. You should be telling star boy to put me down." With that said Adam set me down and I sat down on the ground and then laid down again. 

I opened my eyes to see Adam look over at Gordon, "When I put her down, she won't move." 

Gordon sighed and shook her head, "Just leave her there for now. Help move the bags down to the vans." 

I was left on the ground until Adam had come back upstairs, "Alright, stand up. We're leaving." 

"Leave me here to sleep." 

Adam sighed, "God, you sleep the most out of anyone I have ever meant."

I smiled sleepily, "Why thank you, Mr. Banks." Adam lifted me up again, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I like potatoes. 

He had carried me down to the vans and set me down in a van. Averman quickly moved to sit next to me, leaving Adam to sit on the seat farthest from me on the row. I hardly noticed because I was still trying to fall asleep again, "Hiya!" Averman said. 

"Hey." I mumbled back. 

"Someone is clearly not in the mood to talk." Averman grumbled.

"Not all of us have everlasting energy, Les." 

Averman gasped next to me, "She called me by my first name. Adam, she's never done this before. I don't know what to do." 

I heard Adam snicker, "Oh hush. Let me sleep." I said as I tried to get comfortable as the van left to the airport. 

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