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I turned around, knowing that I wouldn't be able to escape this situation, "Hey." 

"Hey," Gunnar smiled at me, "I thought that that was you." 

I nodded and smiled awkwardly, "And so it is..."

Gunnar frowned slightly, probably confused by my now awkward manner seeing as I had been so comfortable with him earlier. That's when he looked over my shoulder and say Adam standing next to me. Now he just frowned, not slightly, but like an actual pout, "Oh." He said. 

I turned behind me to look at Adam. He did not look happy in the slightest bit. He offered his hand to Gunnar, "Adam Banks." 

Gunnar took Adam's hand, "Gunnar Stahl." 

Adam let go and moved his arm to his side sharply, "I know. Can't wait to play against you." 

The tension was so thick I wouldn't be able to cut it with a butcher's knife at this point, "Alright, well, Adam and I have to be back really soon, so I think we'll just be leaving. Good to see you, Gunnar." 

Gunnar looked down and me and smiled, "Good to see you too. I hope that you come to see another Iceland game." Gunnar looked back up at Adam and smirked before turning back to his team and his ice cream. 

Oh fuck. 

He did not just do that. 

I turned around to see Adam looking at me, shock and anger just painted on his face. I grabbed his shoulder and moved him out of the parlor so the situation wouldn't get worse. God, this day was going fine until Gunnar showed up here. 

When we were a little way away from the ice cream parlor Adam abruptly turned around, causing me to crash into him, "So, I have a fun little question. What the fuck and how the fuck do you know Gunnar Stahl?" 

I rubbed my face, "Am I not allowed to make friends?" 

I pushed past Adam and kept walking. Adam caught up to me, "Not with anyone from the Iceland team." 

It was my turn to stop and turn around, "Oh yeah? And who made that rule? You? Gordon? Huh? Who made it?" Adam stuttered for a second, not being able to come up with a valid answer, "Yeah, that's what I thought. You guys just have a little rivalry with Iceland that makes it so none of us can befriend them. It isn't fair." 

"They're assholes." Adam defended. 

I scoff, "Maybe to you. But Gunnar's nice. Why are we even arguing over some stupid team?" 

"I don't know! It just seems reasonable at the moment."

"That's stupid!" 

"Maybe it is!" Adam took a deep breathe, letting the tension release from his body, "Look, I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone that you're friends with him if you don't want me to." 

I smile at Adam, "I would very much appreciate that," Adam smiles shortly, "I'd also appreciate going back to the hotel because it is hot out here and it feels like I'm dying." 

Adam laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders, "Yeah. Lets go back." 

I had just gotten out of the shower and into clothes when I had walked back into my room and saw Julie sitting on my bed, practically chewing her nails off. 

"Hey, what's wrong Jules?" 

She looked up at me and chewed on her lip, "I just...Coach won't play me and I don't know why. I don't know if it's because I'm a girl and he has some sort of bias or something but, it's just really frustrating that I haven't been able to play once. I left my team for you guys and now it just feels like a waste." 

I sat next to her, "Talk to him. I genuinely don't see a negative to you having this conversation with him. Besides, if he's a little dickhead about this then I'll talk to him about it." 

"I don't even know what I'd say." 

"Here's what I'd say, 'Play me or I'm leaving.' but I don't think that's what you're going for. So, just tell him you want to play, you left your team for us so it doesn't seem fair that you wouldn't be able to play." 

Julie chewed her lip again before sighing, "Yeah...thanks Wren. I appreciate it." 

"Anytime, dude." I smiled at her and got off of my bed. 

After a while, Julie got up and left. I assume she went to go speak to Gordon, or get food. I was about to go get food so I'd see anyways. 

When I opened the door I saw Adam standing outside of it, fist raised to knock, "Wow, great timing Queens." 

I smile, "Always is with me. What's up?" 


"Perfect timing Banks. I was just about to go down there myself." 

"Great! I'm starving, so lets go." 

Adam and I ate slowly, talking so much that we almost forgot that we were supposed to be eating. It got worse when the rest of our team showed up. 

We all ended up winding down quickly, the team knew they needed some rest for their game tomorrow. 

Since Connie and Julie were sleeping, I went out into the hallway to listen to my music. Mind you I had headphones on, I just didn't want to accidentally wake one of the two up and piss them off. So, I was wrapped in blankets, sitting on the floor of the hallway when I was violently shaken. I opened my eyes to see Dean and Fulton leaning down. 

I pulled my headphones off, "What's wrong?" 

"Your brother." Fulton answered. 

"...What about him?" I asked. 

Dean shook his head and stood up, "He's hanging with one of the Iceland people. The girl coach. God, how could he betray us like that?" 

Good to know that I couldn't tell either of them about my friendship with Gunnar. 

"It just...it seems so unfair. She's probably using him to figure things out about our team." Fulton added. 

I stood up, "I mean, I don't know. We'll probably figure out if she's using him tomorrow. It isn't fair but I don't think there's much we can do about it. Just, try and go to sleep for now and we'll see how everything goes in the morning." 

Fulton rubs his face, "Alright. Come on Dean." 

And like that, the boys go in their room and I go in mine. 


Hey. Been awhile. 

Sorry about that, I got logged out of my Disney+ account and the login wasn't working. It's fixed now though. 

Also, I kinda want to write a Rafe fanfic from Outer Banks, so stay tuned for that. 





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