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Wren's POV

I didn't run from the locker room. He didn't get that satisfaction of seeing me run from him. I probably would've crashed into a wall if I had anyways.

I was slowly losing control of my body and mind. I kept walking but as I did, I felt the fingernail of my thumb dig into my other fingers, trying to help me gain control of myself.

It wasn't working.

My breathing started to get faster and more shallow so I held my breath until I couldn't anymore. I kept doing this, trying to keep myself calm enough to either get out of this building or find a place to breakdown.

I tried to remember the way to the exit but couldn't. I was fighting with my body and mind to get me out but I felt like everything around me was crashing down and then I was crashing into something, or somebody.

I felt hands on my arms, steadying me.

I looked up and saw a familiar face blurred by my tears.


I collapsed into him, allowing him to support me and lead me to a hallway near us.

He pulled me back from him so he could look at me, "What happened?" He asked.

Rage overtook the sadness but more tears kept coming, "Gordon." I could hardly get it out as I was struggling to breath again.

Gunnar pulled me to him, moving us down to a sitting position on the floor. We were side by side but I was practically laying on him as he held me.

Gunnar wasn't saying anything, he just let me cry into him.

I hated crying. I hated it.

I tried to stop myself, remembering my hatred for crying but all that got me was rushed, shallow breathing and more tears.

"Stop," Gunnar said, "Just let yourself cry, fugl. Trying to stop will only make it worse."

I listened. I kept crying.

I cried harder when I felt Gunnar kiss the top of my head, whispering that it was ok and I was going to be ok.

I didn't remember the last time I had been showed affection when I was in a state like this. Mind you, I hadn't been like this since two years after my mom died. When I was like this, I wouldn't let anyone near me anyways.

Gunnar just let me cry into him.

When I started to hyperventilate again he held his thumb close to my face, "Exhale," I didn't do anything because I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me, "Like this." He said. He blew on the top of my head.

I was still struggling to breathe but I blew on his thumb for a couple second before returning to my hyperventilation.

"Again, fugl." Gunnar ordered gently.

I kept trying until I had finally calmed down enough to catch a breath. I could feel the tension in my body slowly melt away.

I was still crying, but it wasn't uncontrolled anymore.

My eyes stung and I rubbed them as I moved away from the comfort of Gunnar's body. I rubbed the tears away from my face as I looked at Gunnar, "Sorry for soaking your shirt." I did the cry laugh thing you do when you feel guilty.

"It's alright. Just a shirt."

We sat in silence for a moment longer as Gunnar let me calm down even more. As much as I appreciated his comfort, I wasn't close with Gunnar. We weren't close enough for me to breakdown sobbing into his chest.

I rubbed my face once more, pulling my sweater over my fingers, "Sorry about the breaking down and crying on you."

Gunnar looked over at me, "Sometimes we just need to cry, fugl. Besides, you looking like you were about to pass out so I wanted to help."

I smile softly before pausing and looking back over at Gunnar, "What does fugl mean?"

"Fugl." Gunnar corrects.

"I basically just said that."

It was Gunnar's turn to smile softly at me, his eyes looking into mine, "I'll tell you later. But now, we should get you home."

He stood up next to me as I started to shake my head, "I don't want to."

Gunnar offered me his hands, "Then we won't. We'll go somewhere else."

I looked up at him, considering his offer, then I grabbed his hands, letting him pull me up, "Lead the way, Iceland."

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