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After the game, we all go back to our rooms. A triumphant mood hangs over everyone. Everyone was tired but too hyped up to go to sleep so we all piled into Luis's room.

I was sitting on one of the top bunks that none of the four boys who shared the room was using, I couldn't stop smiling because I could see how proud my friends were of each other. There wasn't any bragging going on between any of them, just pure excitement. It made me happy.

I could see someone moving at the bottom of the bunk I was on and leaned over the railing to see Adam looking up at me, "Hey, Cake-eater."

Adam rolled his eyes playfully as he began to climb up, "You really love that nickname, don't you."

I smiled as I scooted over to make more room for the blonde boy, "Of course I do. It captures the essence of the famous Adam Banks."

"I'm not famous. Plus, I don't even like cake."

"How do you not like cake, you psychopath. Is it the-"

"Frosting." We both say at the same time. We both giggle at our unison.

Adam looks over at me, his happy mood seems a little distant, "What's wrong, Adam?"

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair, "I just...I feel bad...for the way I reacted when you told me about," He leans closer to me so I can hear him whisper, "Gunnar."

I smile and push his shoulder, "It's okay. I probably shouldn't have told you anyways."

Adam frowns slightly, "Why not?"

I shrug, "It's just not really a thing that I should talk about with my guy friends. Plus, you guys hate the kid."

"I don't hate him," Adam quickly defends. I give him a look, "Alright, I mean I don't like him. But you do, and if he makes you happy then I'm happy. I don't want you to be upset."

"I'm not."


I half smile at him, "How could I be? I have friends who care about me. That's kind of all I've ever wanted. Plus, if my aunt could see what I was like now, she might pass out with shock."

Adam laughs, "You know, we don't just care about you...we love you."

I put a hand to my chest and drop my mouth open, "The Adam Banks, professing his love to me? I might just die."

"Hey now, don't go twisting my words." We smile at each other.

To us, this was our apologies for how we treated each other. I knew our friendship would be okay now, and that's just the way I wanted it. But my heart twinged a little at the thought that my friends loved me. I've never had friends who loved me before.

"Hey!" Averman calls from the other side of the room, "What are you two doing? Better not be kissing!"

Adam and I look at each other quickly, both of our faces going beet red as we look away from each other.

"Guys!" Fulton calls out, "I just had the best idea." I groan, knowing that all of Fulton's ideas were almost alway crazy, "I don't need the attitude, Wren. So, anyways, I saw that the kitchen had like ten bottles of sparkling cider-"

"Sparkling cider or champagne?" I ask.

"It looked like sparkling cider to me. What if we went down and took some?"

I rubbed my eyes, see, all of Fulton's ideas were crazy.

"Yeah, no. I'm down." Adam says next to me.

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