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I was still pissed off about the jackass who I had dumped milk on in the cafeteria as I was walking back to my room alone. He deserved worse, honestly. People who catcall or just do shit like that are awful.

I was still thinking about it when I ran into a body.

Not a dead one, at least I hope.

Both of us fell to the floor, clearly neither were paying attention to our surroundings.

When the both of us sat up from our separate places on the floor we just glared at each other and stood up again, "Wait, I know you," I realized when I got a closer look at his face, "You're from the Iceland team."

The tall kid looked me up and down, "Yeah?"

"I'm Wren," I offered my hand to him, "It's nice to meet you."

He hesitated before shaking my hand, "Gunnar."

I smiled at him and let go of his hand, "Alright, well it was nice to formally meet you, Gunnar. I've gotta go though."

"Wait...I'm sorry if this is rude but I don't remember you."

"I'm with the U.S.A. team. I saw you when you guys sort of interrupted our interview."

Gunnar ran a hand through his hair before his eyes widened, "Oh! I remember now. You weren't in the usual get up for your team though. That's probably why I didn't recognize you."

"Yeah, I'm not a player. My brother's the coach so he dragged me out here with them."

Gunnar furrowed his eyebrows, "You're Bombay's sister?" I nodded at him, "And you don't play hockey?" I shook my head no at him, "Why?"

"Uh, it's just not my thing. More fun to watch, I guess."

Gunnar smiled, "You should come to one of Iceland's games."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "You sure? I mean for all we know, I could steal your team's secrets and plays."

He smirked, "I don't think you would do that."

"Oh? And what makes you say that?"

Gunnar shrugged his shoulders, "You just don't seem the type of person to do that."

I squinted at him, "You hardly know me. I bet that if I asked you to remember my name you would've already forgot it."

"Wren Bombay."


Gunnar furrowed his eyebrows at me again, "How was I wrong? Your name is Wren and your brother is Bombay. Wren Bombay."

I shook my head at Gunnar and smiled, "You've got my last name wrong. He might be my brother but the only thing we share in common is a mom. My last name is Queens."

Gunnar smiled at me, "Alright, Wren Queens, I still think that you should come to one of the Iceland games. Our next one is tomorrow, noon."

"I guess we'll see if I-"

"Wren!" A voice calls out, both of us turn to look at Charlie as he jogs towards me, "I've been looking for you."

"Could've guessed that, Charlie." I say as Charlie wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, I needed to show you something, come with me."

Charlie starts to pull me away from Gunnar, "Charlie, I was sort of in the middle of something."

"I know," He whispers, "I came over to save you. That's Gunnar Stahl from the Iceland team." I'm not stupid Charlie. I already knew that.

"Oh." I look over my shoulder to see Gunnar still looking at me I mouth I'm sorry to him and he just nods that it's ok at me.

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