{Chapter 2} Lost Memories

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters.


Chapter 2: Lost Memories


            Clary and I started to walk away from the Weasley Wizard Wheezes, Clary had gotten loads of new stuff, like always when we went to George and Fred’s joke shop. And like always, Fred would never let me pay. It was strange, Fred seemed familiar slightly, and then again George seemed familiar as well. It’s like I knew them… but I mean I don’t, well not until I met them at the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts.

“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked looking around the room full of people, most of the people in the room had red hair… Some looked familiar like a foggy memory, but it still felt like I knew no one in the room. “Wait… Where’s Clary?” I asked now remembering my daughter, I stared around the room, meeting the boy’s eye who was closest to me. He was giving me the most intense stare.


“She’s outside… I’ll go get her… Dad, you should explain to her what’s been happening. Tell her what Madam Pomffrey told us.” The boy said to another older looking red head as he stood up and walked out the door. I stared after him quizzically, I wonder who that boy was. I then shook my head as I looked up at the older gentlemen, that one boy and this man must be related…


“Marley… uh… you may remember me, I’m Arthur Weasley, your mothers old friend.” The man said looking down at me as I looked at him, so this was Arthur Weasley? The man my mother loved, he looked much different in person. He looked strained, and very tired like he’d been in some sort of fight.


“Arthur Weasley? How…?” I questioned looking at the man who only gave a weary smile, as he exchanged a glance with the other people in the room.


“You probably don’t remember because something has happened to you recently which have caused you to lose your memory…” Mr. Weasley trailed off as I looked at him.


“What are you talking about? My memory is fine, I remember my daughter Clary and everything else. Clary and I were on the way to the joke shop… and then… I guess I must have fallen or something…” I said, straining to recall what happened after that, why couldn’t I remember? It seems like the more I strained to remember the foggier the memory appeared.


“Yes, but Marley that was over 8 months ago…” Mr. Weasley said trailing off as he looked down at me, my eyes widened in horror.


“You’re lying, I wasn’t… no…” I said placing my head in my hands, no I couldn’t possibly forget 8 months of things… no that means I missed Clary’s birthday…


“Arthur! I told you not to tell her that, to tell her the other thing.” I heard a lady yell next to me, she looked like some sort of medical person.


“I am not about to lie to her. I can’t do that… because when she remembers she’ll just be upset we lied to her.” Mr. Weasley said forcefully as he glared at the older woman, she shrunk back. I looked around the room at all the unfamiliar faces. What if I knew these people? What if I had something with these people? And then my eyes landed on a pair of familiar chocolate brown eyes, I could already feel my mood lighten somewhat. I remembered someone here.

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