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Ayla pov

I stood beside Bilbo as the dwarves tried to come up with a plan on how to get across.

They suggested different ideas, some were very stupid.

I was looking at Bilbo as he looked at the stream almost hypnotized.

"Kili!" said Thorin, snapping both of us out of it.

Kili stopped, he had been about to climb the vine like branches that hung there.

"We send the lightest first," said Thorin.

We all looked at Bilbo as Bilbo looked at me.

"You're lighter than me," he said.

"No I'm not," I denied.

"Oh, yes of course, excuse me, you're lighter on your feet then me," he corrected himself.

I groaned and went.

I grabbed onto the vines and started slowly making my way across the muddy, disgusting 'river'.

Almost falling in multiple times.

After I landed I shook of the after effects of the stream.

"Something is wrong," I whispered.

"Stay were you are," I said turning around.


They were already halfway here.

Thorin and Bilbo landed next to me.

I stayed on the ground as they stood next to me.

Bilbo looking sleepy.

I heard a noise and looked left.

There was a fawn standing there, it was beautiful.

Thorin readied an arrow.

"What are you doing?" Asked Bilbo confused, almost in slow motion.

He fired an arrow at the fawn, missing it and the fawn fled.

"You shouldn't have done that," Bilbo said, "It's bad luck."

"I don't believe in luck," said Thorin, "We make our own luck"

There was a splash in the river.

Time skip

Bombur had fallen in the stream and was now asleep.

The rest of the days we carried him as he muttered in his sleep.

"We need to take a rest," said Nori.

Bilbo sat down and I could hear my heartbeat in my ear.

We stopped and I heared the same whispering.

"What is that?" Asked Bilbo looking disoriented "These voices can you hear them"

"I hear nothing," Said Thorin "No wind, no birds, what hour is it?" He asked no one in particular.

"I do not know," I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I do not even know what day it is," said Dwalin.

"This is taking too long," said Thorin.

"Is there no end to this accursed forest?" he shouted.

"None that I can see," said Glion "Only trees and more trees"

They got up and started walking again.

I stood but froze once I heard an echo originating from behind me.

Hobbit Thing(unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now