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Pre- written and edited so enjoy.

Ayla pov

Bilbo glares at me, as if I had something to do with this, and leaves, I look back to Gandalf half smiling at him.

"Evening Gandalf," I say, "Wasn't expecting any company."

"I did not know you were here Ayla," he says, the dwarves start to get up and walk down the hall to the kitchen.

"Came yesterday," I say, "Bilbo invited me over for dinner."

The dwarves starr to disappear through put the house as we walk to the open space between the dinning room and the pantry.

"What are you acctually doing here, with ten, eleven? Dwarves?" I ask him.

He deosn't answer, I sigh and go stand in the corner of the room next to the dinning room out of the way of the dwarves moving between the pantry and dinning room.

They had started taking stuff from the pantry and were bringing it to the dinning room to eat.

Bilbo, who had gone upstairs to change, was coming back down.

He looked around and tries to get them to put his food back.

It doesn't work.

I snicker as they continue taking stuff and he gets increasingly more frustrated.

"That is a book not a coaster. And put that map down," he says still trying.

Gandalf comes from the kitchen and hits his head on the chandelier.

"Fili, Kili," he says "Oin, gloin," he nods to them.

"Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori!" He says.

'There are twelfe, I wasn't far of' I think.

"No, no give me," Bilbo was wrestling his tomatos from one of them, "Not my prize winners," he says, they let go, "Thank you."

One came up to Gandalf and said something in dwarfish "You're quiet right, Bifur," responded Gandalf, "We appear to be one dwarf short."

'There's another one?'

"He is late is all," says Dwalin with a cup of ale in his hand, "He traveled north to a meeting of our kin. He will come," he says.

One came up to Gandalf with wine, he took it and drank it in one take, while Bilbo stood next to me panicking.

"Aren't you going to do something?" He said me.

I just shrug saying, "It looks like they're making food and I'm hungry."

He throws his hands up looking absolutely done with me.

Once they had prepared the food we ate.

I sat in between Fili and Kili, the food was actually quiet nice.

They threw food to Bombur and he caught it in his mouth, making us cheer.

They then chugged some beer, again cheering once finished.

Then they had a burp challenge.

We all had enjoy fun, laughing and eating.

Bilbo got up and went to Gandalf, who was in the hall to try and make the dwarves go away.

A dwarf went up to him and asked what to do with his plate.

Fili took it and threw it to Kili, then they started throwing more plates around, and they would eventually end up in the kitchen.

Hobbit Thing(unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now